
Refugee or not to be? Ask Ms Braverman..

Whatever one may think about our Home Secretary, Ms Braverman, don’t think she is afraid to say how she sees the issues. I have to be honest, she was not my choice for the title ‘Best Politician of the Week’ but I am fast changing my mind! For once we seem to have acquired a politician who is not afraid to say things that automatically cause a war with the woke brigade. F rankly, with a lot of ‘normal’ people also. First of all who can deny that the Refugee issue as it is today is the correct way to deal with immigration? N ot just in the UK but the whole of Europe. Also, let’s not forget the Mexican border issue. The way we need to deal with unbridled and uncontrolled immigration, in fact the whole issue of movements of people, do need to be looked at. It has been going on for some time time now and there are no signs it will stop. On the contrary, it will increase vastly as global warming, crop failures and more will make whole areas of the globe uninhabitable. As Ms Braverman indica

Were the Nuremberg Trials right? What do you say?

Saw an old film, black and white, on BBC2 called Judgement at Nuremberg. I must say as an erstwhile Dutchman in our schools at the time we learned, were taught about these things. Seeing the film threw up the selfsame feelings. Yes, millions died at the hands of the Nazis, Thousands were subjected to trials and were sentenced on grounds that were basically warped towards Nazi intentions. In other words if you spoke out, you disappeared. The judges went with the idea that they had to follow the ideals of the country. That despite knowing it was against moral principles, they deserved the death penalty. Just because the nation demanded it. In truth it was not really the nation demanding it, it was the ideology of the party in power. The NSDAP, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party) or simply the Nazi party. Led by the beliefs of just a few men. Unfortunately a few bad apples infected many others. But there was something said as well,

Pressing problems, but why!?

Once again, but it cannot be said often enough, our elected wonders are seemingly still unaware of the most pressing problem that has faced us. Unaware not because it’s happening, we can all see that but unaware of its implications, unaware of the future that faces us all. I am talking about migration. Over many years I have pointed out that humanity is facing its possible demise. Why? Yes, global warming but also its inability to control its own appetites. Today, global warming has virtually made large parts of Africa and Asia uninhabitable and this is continuing! We can all see the results. The Libyan conflagration is part of that, even though it is also a picture of sheer political incompetence. When monies for needed repairs to infrastructure are used as personal income due to corruption or are squandered on weaponry. Same thing all over the globe.Even here in the so-called affluent West monies are wasted due to gross incompetence. The UK is not immune. So, what do I see for the im

Is the BBC a service or a political party?

Has anyone noticed the preponderance shown by the BBC to portray the gay lifestyle? There is not a day now when we see either lesbian couples or homosexual couples living life. I am in no way saying that they should not live the lives they chose but why is the BBC portraying this as THE way to live? As I have mentioned before, some of my friends are LBGT+. The clergy also are more and more inclined to live such lives, the RC Church included but there it is hidden. I would still say, good luck to them. But I simply do not want or like it to be shown, certainly not on TV. Not even heterosexual couples having sex (viz Love Island). Am I a sort of repressed person? No, I am not but I do think the way we are now showing the sexual lives of humans is not particularly helpful to building meaningful relationships. This tendency of quick, your place or mine attitude and the increasing sexual violence, is showing the results. On top of it all, as was mentioned recently by many reporters, newsp

Some thoughts on why Wales is a backyard...

The issue of Wales as a development area for rich English companies and people will not go away soon. As I live in Wales this issue is close to my heart. At first I believed that owning a second property was OK. At least that was when there there were very few. But now, in Gwynedd (North Wales) there are areas where 50% of the properties are holiday-lets or second homes. Meaning that in winter those areas are like the proverbial Wild West towns. The only things missing are the dirt road and the horse stable. Seriously, it is a growing problem basically because of the lower property prices in Wales. To be frank, Wales has always been used as a quick get-rich scheme for England. That mentality by England has never left them, it has been like that ever since 1066. So, when coal measures were found, pits were dug with English money to back the cost. So, all profits ended up in good ol’ England. It also had as an aside the movement of destitute people from the rat-infested, cholera sufferin

School Problems? I am wearing shoes?

Sometimes you have to laugh at whatever the media turn up. A short article by Wales OnLine was one. It concerned a secondary school which had sent home a pupil for wearing the wrong type of shoes. And as per the usual a storm has commenced by the parent, the mother, by accusing the school of tactics more known in pre-war Germany. The mother had purchased the uniform but the shoes were Vivienne Westwood. Costing , I believe, in the region of £100. There are a few things here needing some thought. First of all, in the UK and I believe in Germany as well although I could be wrong about Germany, the secondary schools have a dress code. It is called a uniform. To be fair lots of British people do not agree with it but the rules are in place. The schools do supply written guidance to all prospective parents. Yet every year we get these disagreements. The question of whether parents do understand what is written or do even read the guidance, well, I cannot answer that. In our own case, a scho

THe UK a laughing stock? Noooh, really?

Can anyone tell me why the UK has become a laughing stock? The continual shuffling of ministers, it is like a sort of dance. The turfing out of students of paid-for accommodation in order to house migrants. Anything else? Oh yes, apparently according to the Sun Newspaper and that hilarious journo Rod Liddle, we are no longer allowed to sniff goshawks. As he said, he never knew that so he now has to stop an age long hobby of his! I applaud that because I used to sniff chickens and penguins but now prefer eagles. My neighbours sniff blackbirds but have asked the Council for help because they are so difficult to catch. So, my neighbours insist on a grant of £2,000,000 to provide them with housing where it would be easier to catch blackbirds. Yes, this country has gone to the dogs. Too many people sniffing them. By Jove, in fact to be more to the point, is it not time to look at the person who made the complaint about one BBC program with Chris Packham showing nature in all its glory to se