Anything wrong, baby? You tell me...

Any sane person would be asking – what in all honesty is the matter with people in this country? This country being, Britain? Listening to the news reports this morning, someone has tried to access the medical history of the Princess of Wales. Well, the first thing to say is – what the F...? Medical history is the absolute property of the individual and should only be seen by qualified medical personnel, such as practising doctors. Now it is a well known fact that news about the Royal family pays lots of lolly but why are we so hell-bent on figuring out what operation the Princess had to have? Even if it was an hysterectomy, thousands of other ladies have to have that. So what? That operation alleviates many other debillitating problems. But frankly I wouldn’t want to really move heaven and earth to know. I am more interested to know the sun will be shining for another 5 billion years or so. I could be out by a few minutes but please forgive me. All of us need to have a very fast reality check in this country and stay with the many problems all of us have to face. The economics situation, the problems immigrants bring, the imminent general election, both here and in the US. And let’s not forget the military problems in the Ukraine and Gaza and the global warming controversy.

It is of course possible that it was actually a qualified person accessing the report but someone else noticed the access and thought it was wrong, reported it and all hell breaks loose. Whatever is the truth, it will come out eventually. In the meantime loads of personnel will be engaged to look at it and I predict this will last to next Christmas. Social media is like a cancer on the face of society. It brings out the worst in far too many. Strangely money is not always the reason why people tweet about these things. It is also about wanting to be someone, someone big and important. Something to alleviate the humdrum lives they lead. Celebrities are a case in point, they all post inane messages accompanied by pictures with as little clothing as they can have. It would not surprise me to see a completely nude woman festooned with paint to disguise the contours. In fact, I think it has already been done. Did someone point out the similarities with the demise of the Roman empire? It seems to be humanity’s fate to dance whilst the house around is ablaze. Even myself, a simple level headed individual can see through looking at history and correlating this with the present, can see we are well on the way to oblivion. Sad? Yes and no. Yes, for us as individuals but no in view of the planet’s existence. We simply do not deserve the position in the hierarchy we possess at the moment. We need to be careful because Nature has a way to deal with excessive states of being. For instance food production, living amenities, water and more, if the balances are damaged through excessive use and depleted, nature will have to redress the situation. Usually meaning a collapse of the numbers in the population of a species. It simply is the way things are done.

So, maybe there is still time to change our habits and one way is to have a real hard look at how we should live. Do we really need to travel all over the world? Mostly to see ruins of bygone times or to bath in pristine seas when we have polluted our own? Or to eat seafood that is no longer available within our own surrounding seas as they are extinct? Just think about it and write a proper letter to your MP. Don’t use X or Tiktok. Obviously that is if you can write. Remember? Pen, paper, stamp, envelope?


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