Put the SAS on trial? - why not, everyone else is...

If anyone thought we are on an even course again after the latest budget from the UK Chancellor, forget it straight away. The budget itself was not exceptionally brilliant but it’ll do for now as it addressed some inequalities and also gave employed people a 2% cut in NI (National Insurance payments). Well, at least it’ll save some of our hard-earned wages. No, it is not the budget, it is the continuing actions of the woke fraternity trying to alter our hard-won freedoms in this country. Freedoms like free speech, freedoms of calling a cat a cat or a woman a woman. These idiots have been trying for years to change the fabric of our society and frankly, if you would ask me, they are succeeding thanks to weak government. This again is shown with the MoD (Ministry of Defence) considering trying SAS soldiers for allegedly killing a Taliban terror suspect. You must excuse me. But why do we have the SAS and what is their task? You tell me. Apparently a dim retired general has said,’The SAS or indeed any soldier or soldiers are not above the law’. Ah, that clears it up then. Can anyone tell the general why the SAS was set-up during the dark times of the second world war? And moreover, what their specific tasks were? To be very blunt, when I was in the armed forces although not in the UK, we were simply told ‘You are here to find out how to kill people’. You were issued with rifles, hand grenades, pistols, no, no swords, and taught to fire bazookas. We were not told to first hold up your hand, walk to the enemy and ask them pleasantly about their business. If you were happy about what they said, turn your back and walk back to your comrades smiling. When you arrived back behind the hill, ask your mates to count the bullet holes in your back. Dear oh dear, if we are going this way then we might as well send the whole armed forces back home. Perhaps we should also start sending detailed defense and offense plans to the Russians and Iranians, outlining the types of ammunition we will be using, how many personnel we will send and where. Oh blimey, someone has already done it.

The other thing showing how far we have sunk into the mire is the BBC reporting. Perhaps I do not need too hard to get into detailed analysis, you only have to look and listen to their Gaza reporting. I am frustrated the government which in the end is responsible for the BBC being a semi-governmental outfit – viz the tax or rather known as broadcasting levy charge, is not intervening. Changing a few top guys will not do it, we will need to completely overhaul the BBC. In my mind it cannot be saved. It shows also how the wokerati have infiltrated our social structures. I heard a joke once that said more or less if you were not gay, don’t try to work for the BBC. I am not sure if true, you ought to make up your own mind. Nevertheless however it fits, the BBC is not fit for purpose. One-sided, woke reporting. Well, as I like to say, it is what it is. Although, it is surely time the majority in this country starts the fight back. Be much more forceful about it than we have been so far. Over and out, and thank you!


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