Did someone hear the trumpet then?

Good Lord, has the present day government finally woken up? The good Rishi (Sunak) has stood in front of No.10 talking about the way democracy is being undermined by extremists, groups as well as individually. He, he, well at least the PM thinks it but will it make any difference? As a nation we have simply walked into an alley, yes a blind one but very long, and it ought to be obvious what the eventual end result would be. The problem has been one of silent acceptance all along. Smallish groups with very big mouths , individuals on Facebook and other social media, even parliamentarians who jumped on the bandwagon in the hope of furthering their miserable careers. Take Gaza, take the gender ideology, take the way universities lecture and allow extremist views to be discussed openly. Take the way appointed bodies in the political arena decide school curriculae, the list is endless. In a few words – it shows how the state has become rudderless. Moving from side to side heading slowly to the rocks. Look at the by-election in Rochdale, where an extremist Labour party member outed some views and as a result the whole process became a farce. Worse, allowed an election where people had very few choices and voted in an even worse example of a politician, a failed nobody simply only out for himself. That is just an example of how bad it has become. When police stand by protest marches viewing the mayhem, the chanting, the scuffles and proclaiming, ‘No crime committed’. When six officers storm into some house arresting somebody who has refused to call a trans woman a woman but cannot solve a single burglary. Forces who have allowed officers to commit crimes unchecked and even when suspected decided not to investigate. All of it has actually shown the weakness of democracy. Democracy does need rules to be effective and when those rules are downgraded or simply pushed aside then we all are in danger of letting extremism grow and eventually blossom into a harsh autocratic regime. Viz Russia, viz China, viz Iran and others around the globe. That is the road we have already taken through electing charlatans like Galloway, to allow protests calling for the eliminating of a sovereign state. To allow demonstrations for some extreme view which only a small proportion of people hold. Views like gender recognition, human rights, animal rights, the rights of aliens in the universe and more. These views are held by minorities but we, the silent majority have allowed them. Unfortunately today we are seeing where that goes to, and where it may well end. In truth we are the ones guilty of allowing democracy to die! Led by governments too weak to effectively deal with these situations, we have taken the road to dictatorship. Let us hope that stronger voices, better informed voices, can speak up and literally reverse the route we have allowed to be taken.

And just for for posterity’s sake – when Galloway gets to take his seat, ensure it is in the darkest corner of the hall, in fact just let him stand with lips sewn together with steel cable. Thank you, over and out.


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