Going down or up?

By all accounts, if you listen to western politicians, we have never had it so good! Our technology makes us live longer than Methuselah, our use of social media straightens up our mental state to hitherto unseen heights. Basically, we are the masters. Well, it makes me ask – in which universe do they live? Far from being a morose individual, I can definitely state we are living in some sort of cloud-cuckoo land. Western politicians play a sort of game that means they have to worry what people think of them. They scan social media on an hourly basis and worse, make decisions to placate next. Never mind that the world is staggering along with hair-raising debt levels measured in the trillions, never mind it is under back-breaking strain thanks to the ever spiralling use of drugs. Cocaine is now used by 1 in 40 UK citizens according to some newspaper articles. I would contest that and say it is much higher! Not just in the UK, all over the western world and probably over the world as heroin use and synthetic drugs are also everywhere. Simply stated – we are on the steep downward spiral staircase and that includes our politicians. Crime is out of control despite weasel words from governments, more so with the unbridled immigrants moving from the lice infested, polluted areas of the globe to what we here call the ‘enlightened’ world but bringing with them the attitudes and behaviour we have long forgotten existed. As a result all over the western European influence sphere the once exiting social fabric is being altered fast. As a consequence the existing framework is collapsing, things no longer work or are even carried out. Public works start but are stopped half-way, money is allocated to projects that have no value to society. Meaning that essential things like defence, infrastructure improvements are denied the money needed since it has been spent on things like teaching children diversity and how to protest on the streets. Or to institute wonderful life-saving decisions like installing 20mph rulings on all suburban roads. Yet, we allow production of ever more powerful cars. Even electrical cars can reach 100mph in less time than you can say ‘Hell’s bells’.

Yet, all of us are not really unaware of this situation. From time to time we make a protest. This is undeniably shown in a recent by-election in Rochdale (a town part of Greater Manchester) when someone was elected who should have been incarcerated on an uninhabited Scottish Hebridean island and told he would be freed when he counted all the grains of sand on the beach and no estimates! Well, according to pundits, the situation is not likely to improve soon if ever. In this country we will have a choice soon. By all accounts we will have a general election. What for, escapes me. The choice is basically one of exchanging one dud for an even bigger dud. Indeed, Westminster seems to attract ‘em. It is called Dud Central, in the vernacular. ‘Nuff said, me thinks but we apparently have a bit of use, there is a party that might upset the apple-cart, the Reform party. So, let’s see what happens. I know whom I will be voting for. But vote I will and not stay home!


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