
Showing posts from April, 2024

Our Western ideals are in danger?

There should be no doubt, the world is in a very dangerous state. The belligerence of a number of autocratic states has made it that way. But the West-European nations and to some extent the US as well, have allowed themselves to be of the opinion that after the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, life was going to be very rosy and profitable. Unfortunately, it is still the case but very slowly it is dawning on western political leaders that there is a bear and a few tigers loose! Obviously the West does not want to change the scenario but personally I believe we have no choice. We either call a halt here and now or speak Russian in the next couple of decades. Again, I don’t trust the Americans duplicitous as they are. They speak big words and have the money but in the end as it was before Europe descended into WW2, did not intend to do anything about it. Not, at least not until Hawaii was bombed. It then suddenly dawned on them that there was no escape if they wanted to ret

Election? The clock is ticking...

Do we think that the next General Election will give the Conservatives another 4/5 years? Well, the way the Labour party is going on I wonder. The deputy leader seems to not remember we she lives or even lived. Perhaps she was an immigrant? Whatever, until that is sorted out we will have to hold our breath. Even so, the Cons are also not in the clear, surely it is the most struggling, weak, and un-decisive party on the block. It is like someone said – The ruling party is great at mouthing wonderful proposals and telling everyone what they are going to do without actually doing anything. Just look at the previous couple of years! ‘We are stopping the

End of civilisation, or is it?

Boom, boom, boom, the war drums are sounding loud and clear. Humanity gearing up for slaughter again. This time it is the religious extremists. Let’s not beat about the bush, it is Judaism versus Islam, indeed Islam versus everybody. For some time now the the world has allowed the crazy antics of religious fanatics to g row. Much like we here in the UK have allowed the crazy antics and exclamations of vicious minorities. Minorities that are led by fanatics. Led by people with one idea, to install a totalitarian system along the lines of good old Russia. And to top it, led by them, of course! It seems to be a trait in the human psyche that needs some sort of having to look up to a strong singular leader. That mental state is also evident in religion, particularly in the two main religions. It seems a costly mistake as is evident today with the Middle-East and the Russian-Ukranian conflict. The trouble also is the ‘democratic’ governments constantly pat themselves on the back telling th

Anyone for a nicy boozy holiday?

Now then, the Canary Islands have had enough from us rich Britons? The locals want fewer but richer visitors? Ah now that smacks of we still want the money but we too want to lay semi-naked on the beach! Let’s look at what the underlaying problem might be – Yes, the islands Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria and possibly more are awash with loads of unwashed cretins that tend to speak English. Flown in on booze laden aircraft that tend to lose a wing now and again, out from Birmingham or Manchester. The aircraft toilets are locked to stop these halfwits trying to obtain the prize of - how many mile-highs – have you attained? If you don’t know what I mean, buy a ticket to Tenerife from Bristol airport. Oh and ensure you fly with Easyjet or better still that Irish money-making machine, Ryan Air. Aside from the above satire, the problem of course is real. There are too many travellers that are only interested in what they term ‘partying’. They do not come to watch the bird life unles

Who wants to be a sub-postie??

For a considerable time now there has been adverse commentary about politicians. Yes, from me as well. The point of it all has been to show the duplicity, the downright lies or rather hiding the facts of decisions made . A case in point here in the UK is the ongoing calamity that has befallen the sub-postmasters. Where due to a software program developed by Fujitsu it appeared that losses were made by post offices. By all accounts it now seems that was evidently not true. But instead of instigating a thorough research plan to find faults, whether in the software or in consecutive management decisions, it was thought to be correct to legally pursue aforementioned sub-postmasters and force them to repay imagined losses and also to jail the same for fraud. There is now an enquiry going on and we will breathlessly await the verdicts. But as the Post Office is basically a semi-government body why were there no heads rolling? Why did no-one think ‘H é, why is it that suddenly so many seem to

A new perspective, or maybe just the same?

Well, well, well, having come back from a week’s break at the wet seaside – which I enjoyed immensely! - I must say I have woken up with a bang. There was time to think about the world, the situation, in particular this country, and also look how the environment has actually changed. I don’t care what anyone says, it has changed not by a bit but by an gigantic amount. And all of that in only a very few years! It seems I have returned to a world that is suffering a calamity of enormous proportions. I have been looking at governance across the western world for years and have seen the gradual decline in exercising proper democratic authority. It is everywhere. From minor escalations to massive environmental ones. You only have to open your eyes and ears to find out how badly managed everything is! From the indecisive political party system to the behaviour of human beings in the streets. It beggars belief that we are kowtowing to a few pressure groups that are forcing their opinions and