A new perspective, or maybe just the same?

Well, well, well, having come back from a week’s break at the wet seaside – which I enjoyed immensely! - I must say I have woken up with a bang. There was time to think about the world, the situation, in particular this country, and also look how the environment has actually changed. I don’t care what anyone says, it has changed not by a bit but by an gigantic amount. And all of that in only a very few years! It seems I have returned to a world that is suffering a calamity of enormous proportions. I have been looking at governance across the western world for years and have seen the gradual decline in exercising proper democratic authority. It is everywhere. From minor escalations to massive environmental ones. You only have to open your eyes and ears to find out how badly managed everything is! From the indecisive political party system to the behaviour of human beings in the streets. It beggars belief that we are kowtowing to a few pressure groups that are forcing their opinions and views on to the majority. A situation that has politicians happily thinking this is the way of progress! Worse, installing laws to aid these appalling views. Many thinking persons, such as J.K. Rowling have warned and spoken about these abominations of biological truth but the screaming and threatening mobs have tried to silence her and others of like mind. It isn’t so much the mobs but the dangers are that in the end we are descending into a totalitarian state where a small group runs the country. If you do not believe that, look at a country that has just done such a thing, Haiti. They are run by gangs and proper governance is a by-gone thing. How a nation can survive that is beyond my understanding. It is all about drugs and extortion. Yes, in the UK too, we are the second largest users of cocaine. Foreign gangs are operating here aided by our beliefs of a ‘free’ world where we can do what we like. But life comes with personal responsibilities. We cannot do whatever we like, not if we want this planet to be livable by us as a whole. Just look at how a once great city, London now suffers. Saddled with big talking but ineffectual politicians who are more interested in pushing a personal agenda of colour and gender. 

So, where is our much talked about great judicial system, policed in the manner it should? Well, actually it has left the planet. We are governed by well-meaning people with little idea what life is actually about. That nature is really the great machine that rules everything. People that have no idea how humanity should fit into the matrix. As a result we have groups, individuals who believe that to have money, influence and power are all the essentials of a good life. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. But I feel this has some way to go yet before it will improve. We have allowed so many different things to have started up that these pixies will take time to be pushed back into their little cells and the doors locked. It will take good, sound, educated people to stand up and be counted. By educated I do not mean, university graduates with degrees in how to dress, how to cook a potato or similar silly Mickey Mouse stuff. So, let’s get ‘m on and start the ball rolling. Oh and just as a last remark, don’t expect things to change after the general election. It might be just worse. Both parties have no idea what to do. The people with vision have been shouted down and have left.


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