End of civilisation, or is it?

Boom, boom, boom, the war drums are sounding loud and clear. Humanity gearing up for slaughter again. This time it is the religious extremists. Let’s not beat about the bush, it is Judaism versus Islam, indeed Islam versus everybody. For some time now the the world has allowed the crazy antics of religious fanatics to grow. Much like we here in the UK have allowed the crazy antics and exclamations of vicious minorities. Minorities that are led by fanatics. Led by people with one idea, to install a totalitarian system along the lines of good old Russia. And to top it, led by them, of course! It seems to be a trait in the human psyche that needs some sort of having to look up to a strong singular leader. That mental state is also evident in religion, particularly in the two main religions. It seems a costly mistake as is evident today with the Middle-East and the Russian-Ukranian conflict. The trouble also is the ‘democratic’ governments constantly pat themselves on the back telling themselves how good they are. In fact they are none of that. Democracy tend to start with trumpets blaring, fireworks, congrats all around, handshaking, back slapping but all too soon it degenerates into a free for all. Culminating, as we see today, in minority groupings vying for power and influence. Whilst those still in power barricade themselves in the hope it will all get blown away. Obviously that never happens and there you have the problem, strong sounding individuals now come to the fore promising sound, fair action. This appeals to the general public because as is evident, the words ‘general public’ is basically a synonym for ‘sheep’. We simply like the dogs to guide us because most of us don’t know where to go as we do not know where in the meadow we are. We look for security, and ah there are the dogs, they know what to do, let’s follow! Perhaps this is a light-hearted look at a serious problem but the question is – how do we change it? Change it so that we are really helping those that need help. Already it has become evident there are too many humans on the planet, we have simply outgrown our allotted space. Yes, every species has an allotted space, a space where there is enough food to go around and enough space to walk and not bump into a few thousand others. Some of us might point out that there is enough space. To which I would say, I don’t want to live in the Sahara desert or any desert or on top of mountains. Besides we are not really well adapted to living in such inhospitable places. There will be exceptions but these are incredibly few, certainly not for the likes of the population of today’s London or New York. So, incredibly as it seems we do literally stand on a precipice. Humans, through the use of technology might last longer than anticipated but I am afraid the end is unavoidable as nature does what it normally does and that is curtailing numbers through disease or starvation. Before that happens the species tend to start fighting among themselves. Allowing a few more centuries perhaps, slowly degenerating. You can look at what happens today, the fighting has already started and indeed has been for a number of hundreds of years. Hitler talked about ‘lebensraum’, people like Putin hide their need for 'lebensraum' behind claims that other races like the Anglo-Saxons want to kill them, the Slavic peoples. The Chinese and Japanese have done so as well. China is busily gearing up their armed forces. If anyone would say, does it ever end? The answer is NO, it will not. The destiny of humanity is to go out in a blaze of glory, nuclear glory. Yep, let’s take the pills, mine are vitamin B Complex.


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