Our Western ideals are in danger?

There should be no doubt, the world is in a very dangerous state. The belligerence of a number of autocratic states has made it that way. But the West-European nations and to some extent the US as well, have allowed themselves to be of the opinion that after the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, life was going to be very rosy and profitable. Unfortunately, it is still the case but very slowly it is dawning on western political leaders that there is a bear and a few tigers loose! Obviously the West does not want to change the scenario but personally I believe we have no choice. We either call a halt here and now or speak Russian in the next couple of decades. Again, I don’t trust the Americans duplicitous as they are. They speak big words and have the money but in the end as it was before Europe descended into WW2, did not intend to do anything about it. Not, at least not until Hawaii was bombed. It then suddenly dawned on them that there was no escape if they wanted to retain their Pacific influence. The rigmarole in the Senate and House of Reps shows the same attitude prevails deep down. The point is a simple one, either we help Ukraine or if not, have peace with Russia and see them happily continuing their stated aim of re-instating the Soviet Union in all its gory glory. Even worse, it might well be not just reinstatement but complete control over all of Europe.

We will not deter Putin by simply saying “don’t.” His “don’t” already did not stop Iran from directly attacking Israel. Nor has it stopped North Korea’s brinkmanship with Japan and South Korea, nor China’s harassment of Filipino shipping in the South China Sea and machinations against Taiwan. China is hellbent on supplanting the US, there is no doubt about that. They already are in Africa in big numbers and are in the process of obtaining bases wherever they can. Simply stated, our western way of life is under threat of extinction. It is not saying that our way of life is brilliant, we are guilty of having poisoned and still are, the planet’s environment. In this I must include China and India as well, as the main culprits with the US. One of the questions asked recently was, does NATO work as intended? Well, my answer would be, ‘Not really’. Too many countries, including the UK, have been guilty of reneging on the stated aim of paying 2% of GDP. Only recently the UK made a good attempt to rectify that and even to increase it by 2030. As a previous US president put it, ‘Time to disband NATO, the majority of contributors do not pay their share’. But doing that will simply embolden the maverick called Putin but worry Lin Ping because it would free the US to put billions more into the Pacific defence budget. Also, it would put Western Europe in a perilous situation. For that reason and possible future situation I would favour a strong European Army. Let’s not listen to all the cranks we have allowed a voice. Bin gender diversity, there are just two. Bin the woke brigades and re-constitute national service. Our youngsters have a choice at 18, either the armed forces or two years in social services; meaning service in the community. Cleaning roads, maintaining roads. This goes for both sexes, no arguments about whether women can or cannot do this or that or whether men are not suitable for social tasks . There can be, as in other countries, exceptions for studying. Not on Mickey Mouse degrees but science, mathematics, physics and some art subjects like History or Geography. I am sure it will be a different world and perhaps a more equitable one as well.

When all is said, we must not give in to dictatorial pressures because quite simply to give in will just lead to more pressure until the red line has been reached and then the only option left is war. Just as it was before WW2 and a host of other wars.


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