Anyone for a nicy boozy holiday?

Now then, the Canary Islands have had enough from us rich Britons? The locals want fewer but richer visitors? Ah now that smacks of we still want the money but we too want to lay semi-naked on the beach! Let’s look at what the underlaying problem might be – Yes, the islands Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria and possibly more are awash with loads of unwashed cretins that tend to speak English. Flown in on booze laden aircraft that tend to lose a wing now and again, out from Birmingham or Manchester. The aircraft toilets are locked to stop these halfwits trying to obtain the prize of - how many mile-highs – have you attained? If you don’t know what I mean, buy a ticket to Tenerife from Bristol airport. Oh and ensure you fly with Easyjet or better still that Irish money-making machine, Ryan Air.

Aside from the above satire, the problem of course is real. There are too many travellers that are only interested in what they term ‘partying’. They do not come to watch the bird life unless it has two t*ts and dresses that only cover to just below the pubic hair. They are not interested in the volcanic issues or musea or even the smart villages. The mantra you will hear is ‘How fast can you lose your virginity?’ Well, by all accounts even before you land if you have the money to open the aircraft toilet doors, you can on the plane.

Obviously we need some sun. I know that, I also live on these rain soaked islands in the North Sea. It beggars the belief that there are immigrants from the sunnier world that want to live here. Bring plenty of WD40, it’s good to ward off rust! From some of the reports I have read, all us Brits can come up with is -’We pay your wages’. Meaning, thanks to us coming and fouling your islands, urinating and vomiting on your streets, you are in a much better position and richer, yeah? Talking about that urinating and vomiting, it is quite the thing in Britain as well. We are the world champions and think it is normal to do so. This is aided by our various local governments having closed all public toilets in the belief that all British men are paedophiles and women molesters.

Again as always, most are suffering the antics of the few maniacs. The good, those interested in the islands for what they really are, a volcanic sun-drenched spots of land in the Atlantic Ocean, enjoying the sun and the sea and also the excellent food on offer, have to suffer now the backlash of the inhabitants. The question they ask is this – Can’t we just have those who want a proper holiday, spend their money responsibly and go back with a great memory. Not like those who come and return and cannot recall even that they have been on holiday.

The question here is about mass-tourism, in particular the seedy side of it. Aided by very cheap air fares and unscrupulous operators. Obviously, it’s just a money game. Get it as soon as you can and never mind the consequences. Typical capitalist attitude. What loads of companies tend to forget there is a social impact on decisions and actions they take. Airlines and related tourist companies should not forget that. Mass tourism seems nice at first but quickly degenerates in a free for all, as we can see in the Canaries as well as other places.

I am not certain if anything can be done quickly but surely we ought to look at it responsibly.


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