
Cummingsgate is here...hurrah!

We go a bit further on the Cummings saga as in my previous post I said it would go for weeks. And here we go, it might be the end of bubbly Boris. Remember Watergate? No? The saga of Nixon and lies galore. All to do with the ‘I didn’t say that’ and ‘No, I didn’t do it’. It is funny that politicians feel the need for transparency (a keyword nowadays) whilst at the same time trying to hide their own wrongs. But now we have Cummingsgate. Cummings a man we had never heard of suddenly come to the fore because he had the ear of Boris. The Lord knows why Boris felt the need to have people like Cummings as an aide, you would have thought that Boris himself had a good pulse on the nation. Well, so be it but he now has to pay the price. There no such thing as a grateful person who has been sacked. On top of it, Cummings was and probably still is, someone who thinks rules are for others. In other words, he is always right, you are wrong. Boris did the right thing, he simply had to let him go. How

Who is lying? Oh, it could be me...

  So, now we hear Boris PM has been lying. Mind you that’s according to the Labour party. I just cannot believe how low politics has sunk. First of all, Boris does not own those rooms as far as I know. It is government property. So, he has the use of it as long as he is PM. I would expect that all repairs are also the responsibility of the government. So why create such fuss? Boris is one of the better PMs we have had. Anyone remember John Major “I have not had sex with Edwina” Major? Or Tony “Yes, Iraq has weapons of mass-destruction” Blair? Or even Gordon “ I did not sell all the UK’s gold” Brown? Yes, we really are blessed to have had such persons of quality and truthfulness. That’s why we should be grateful to have as PM someone who is blustery, knows what Covid does to the body, like to tramp around the streets thinking it’s good for the health, forgetting of course the air quality of London will kill you if you run more than a kilometre. But right is right, he (Boris) had the

The chickens coming home to roost?

You might be forgiven if you thought that politics in Britain is a fun-packed, serious business developed for helping the under-privileged and down-trodden. It is nothing of the sort. It is an institution developed to maintain the advantages, privileges and status of just about 1 or 2% of the population. The type of people within that bubble are called politicians, their home is a rat-infested pile called the House. It is of course nothing of the sort, it is not a house, it is a dormitory where sodden whisky guzzling old people saunter about trying to remember who they were supposed to vote for or what! Ah, now that I have got that off my chest, I can start thinking normal again. Obviously there are some interesting, well-educated, well-meaning people there but let’s look at the latest shenanigans here. Remember a chap called Cummings? Yeah, ‘friend’ of the PM, Boris loved him and Cummings was the bright mind that would sort all the UK’s problems with Brexit. Steely-eyed hawk. Then C

Survival of the fittest! Who could that be....

The duplicity of the human race is quite astounding! In fact even on a local basis, like the UK, it is pretty astounding we still do not understand the peril we all are facing! The papers are full of ‘Time to get sloshed again’, ‘Summer hols in Europe for millions’, 'Let’s get to the pub and see who’s first!’. And so on. In the mean time real news items such as the collapsed ice berg the size of Wales now completely disintegrated, is just a rumble in the distance and most likely not even registered in the dull, beer-soaked British brain. What will it take to start real action to combat the climate heating up? Disappearing islands in the Pacific? Accelerated coastal erosion? In Wales the garden of a coastal house has disappeared into the choppy Irish Sea. More to come I suspect. The next big storm from the wrong direction will flood many coastal communities. The Norfolk coast is reducing by yards every year! Fishing in the North Sea might have to be banned as whales are migrating fu

Do we need more houses?

In the UK there appears to be a shortage of houses. Not a new problem obviously, you only have to look at the population increase since WW2 or if you want to, even further back than that to know that this is a perennial problem. Indeed, but there are some questions that need asking about how the weird wonders of Westminster are going to solve this? It seems that the main solution is just to build more and more houses. Now, if you live in say, northern Africa you could build millions of homes on the mostly empty desert but if you live in an already very populated country like the UK then other problems arise. First of all the question of natural habitat depletion, are humans the only animals on the planet? Do human needs go beyond everything and above all other needs of species alive on the planet? Including greenery such as trees? Looking at policy making it seems that those needs are completely disregarded. Council and government planners have only one aim, give developers the green

Is woke being awake? Probably not...

Before I write anything else, I am sad to say the UK has lost one of the greatest persons that have walked on our sacred soil for some time! His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Consort to the Queen (and husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather) has gone to the high abodes. This is not strange as he was 99 years old but it needs to be said he was a great example of what married life should be. Serving his liege and nation to the very end with unswerving loyalty. I take my hat off, well done great and faithful servant.  Some Lib-Dem party members are aghast at the bile being spouted about what I term liberal leftie wokism. They do not like it up ‘m, as they say. How do I know? I used to be a party member but left aghast at the ideas they promoted. The problem is this, Liberals do not see the real issues. They look at the human race through rose-tinted spectacles. I have no problem with thinking great things, in my dreams I too see Utopia except I know that the human anim

Politicians rule (or do they?) - Ask Boris....don't ask Keir

Now all know my aversion to politicians. It is funny really because I usually like the person they are in normal life. But as soon as they put on the mantle of politics, and become the ‘official’ saviour of mankind, I detest that persona. I know quite a few politicians and indeed when they are away from the ‘Office’ so to say, they are great people. But in the ‘Office’ they are idiots. Blabbering on about how they would safe us from criminals, they would deport them immediately. Sexual depravity would be punished by life sentences. Just listen you silly little people, we, politicians, know best! Unfortunately the reality shows up differently. People cannot be reported because fee chasing lawyers put up innumerable appeals. Sex offenders walk the streets, even in the locality where they committed these offences. Think of Rochdale! Life sentences usually mean you are let off within ten years or even less for ‘good’ behaviour. All these ‘rules’, are measures made by politicians. I have