A few succinct observations?

People are talking about the planet being in trouble. I’d like to rephrase that, the planet is not in trouble, we are. Humanity is in trouble. We have and still are, fouling our nest. And like all nests that have that treatment, it will fall down, rotten, disheveled and no longer fit to harbour the life that built it. For those with the right mindsets, clearly thinking individuals, it all seems a lost cause because the situation is quite clear. The general public across the globe know full well what is happening. The media is showing the extent every single day. Be they storms, wars, uprisings, droughts, heat, ice melting, polar icecaps disappearing before our very eyes, we see it all in glorious full colour 3D! Yet is anyone changing their behaviour? Eh? What do you mean, changing behaviour? Me? Are you mad, I need a holiday in Spain. Yes, that is the general answer to the problems. It is the old Dutch saying ‘Na mij de zondvloed’. Translated – ‘After me the deluge’, For me it simply means, I don’t care what is happening, I live for now and do what I want. The bad stuff will be someone else’s problem after I’m gone.

It is quite telling looking around, the queues in the airports, the shambles every holiday period in the Channel ports, just to name a few pressure points. Besides all of that, the fighting happening in Europe and now also in the Middle East. All indicators of that (in)famous rat experiment I have talked about in previous posts. Look it up on the Internet. There were a few but Mr Calhoun was one of them. See ‘Escaping the Laboratory’ by Ramsden and Adams. The reasons why populations expand and the results of that.

All together it is just an absolutely idiotic situation, but one we cannot seem to escape. Yet again I have to, no I must say, the quality and expertise of our politicians is in question. It is our own fault, choosing people who through a ‘golden’ tongue promise the earth. Most of which is complete drivel. Did the good Boris know any rules of commerce or the economy? Just me asking, what do they teach the toffs at Eton? Oh yes, I forgot, the best years of Champagne grapes and how to let your hair down at parties that are disallowed for everyone else. Did the glorious Liz T. know anything about how the banking world works? Did Kwasi? Yet these are the people we trusted. Does the sleepy Joe know what he is saying? One minute he supports Israel to the hilt and now we must allow a ‘humanitarian’ undisclosed time period. What do you think will happen? I am not a violent person, far from it but sometimes there is only one way to solve a situation. A headlong confrontation. The truth of it is we all just went to sleep in the belief that the status quo which was established was going to last. Instead one of the parties was using it to weaponise and train. And here we are, the stings were becoming too painful and now the barbs must be extracted, the wasps must be eradicated. I will leave you with one observation – ‘Appeasement never, yes NEVER, works’.

It means, we will have to confront Russia, China, Iran and all the other despotic regimes now, not tomorrow or next week, NOW. Because another truth is if we do not confront the situation, in due course it will come to wring our necks!


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