The Home Secretary has gone, long live the Home Secretary.

Blimey, for once we had a HS (Home Secretary) saying the things that have to be said. Surely, anyone can see that political demonstrations such as have been happening lately are merely a basis for mayhem? So, now the lady has lost her job simply because our government has gone woke. Now we are in the business of pandering to all sorts of liberal idiots just in the belief that it will maintain a peaceful existence. Peaceful for whom though? As has been indicated now by many commentators, Britain has become ungovernable. We have had a procession of billy-goats, nanny-goats, even a few elephants all vying for the annual Pulitzer prize given for the best woke performance in government. Well, Suella is no more. Luckily she is still alive and now has become a dangerous backbencher. Did I say sometime government in the UK is rudderless and not fit for purpose? Every day there is something happening that shows it, without any doubt.

Anyway, perhaps Shappsie is in line for another promotion. Can I say, I am available? I wouldn’t mind the salary and although I would be removed within half a year, the pension and goodbye gift appeals a lot! Again, it looks like a PM has lost his nerve, if he had it really in the first place. I must say, we don’t want a dictator but at least let’s have someone with a backbone? Perhaps Shapps has his eye on that as well? Maybe we could use a shifty, agreeing with all and sundry, PM? Why not, would make an interesting aside from the weak, toothy, smiling, abseiling performance tweakers we have been saddled with for some time. I know, allow Diane Abbott back, that’ll do it. Or perhaps we didn’t give the ‘Friend of Hamas’ Corbyn, his chance? Would he have sent the Army and Navy to invade Israel? Re-institute the Empire? Yeah, why not, it is no different to the thinking in present politics. We might have seen Putin as an honoured guest, meeting the Royal Fam at dinner. One of his daughter’s alledgedly already lives somewhere in the West. Who said politics is a dirty business? Akin to Mafia rules? Hmmm, I didn’t say that, I just write about what I read. It is a crying shame, to look at how far down we have sunk. A woke cabal of social-liberal nobodies, thinking about how to quickly modify this country. But what is really worrying, instead of liberating the poor, downtrodden no-hopers, we are going to end up with just an altered set of those who will live in grand houses and take all the money. It is just a story that has played since humanity has set foot onto the planet. Read a bit of history and you will know what I mean.


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