Fit for purpose? Who, what?

One of the problems about demonstrations is that they tend to be extremely one-sided. It is in the nature of the beast, so to say. When it is reported that thousands are demonstrating about ‘Free Palestine’ and other slogans which I am not going to repeat, you can figure out that no-one really is thinking about a possible solution. To simply ‘free Palestine’ if there ever was such an entity, will not solve the problem in any way. In Britain where we are used to a type of democracy which also has problems from time to time, we have little idea about the mindset of those who live in the Arab influence sphere. To set our values onto them, will not work. We might think that Israeli politicians are warmongers but we would be wrong. They are doing no-more that we have done for centuries and that is trying to impose influence and control over land. Indeed, as necessary by military methods. For years now, even before the world wars, arguments over who owns what and where in that area of the Middle East, have been rumbling on. Yet, Jews and Muslims have been living together peacefully in many places in many periods of history. Even today. So it can be done. From a religion point of view, politicians need to understand that real religious freedom has to be the basis of a peaceful existence. Religions need to look at their methods, by all accounts trying to make converts is fine but not at the point of a gun or the threat of incarceration, even death. The many religions we have on this planet tend to follow a similar pattern. They start well, then they start to build edifices, coupled with building a hierarchy, they need to acquire vast amounts of money and with that inevitably comes corruption. A bleak view but I would love to know the answer. You can note this in the political world as well. The power structures that people build mostly end that way.

So, the retribution Israel is now exacting is excessive in our eyes, because as usual it is the ‘general population’ that pays the price in blood. It has always been like that, throughout history. Those that lead, chieftains, leading politicians, dictators, are guilty of ‘mis’leading. It is all about power, status and possessions, and the ‘serfs’ pay the price. The other question that needs asking and answering is that of – Why do people mistrust others who do not have the same ideas and opinions’? Even within the same country. I am of Christian descent, do I distrust anyone not belonging to the Church in Britain? The Church of England and also of Wales have and are still changing quite dramatically, in the name of inclusivity. I have my doubts whether all those changes are fruitful? Whether these will improve the lives of those who have nothing?

Anyway, the Home Sec is in trouble, as will be anyone who speaks their mind. We say we believe in free speech but I hasten to add; 'Oh, are you sure'?


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