Ask a pertinent question...

A pertinent question was asked and written about in the Telegraph. This is a newspaper but also with a broad reach on the Internet. The question came about because the reporter Douglas Murray was in Israel and many asked him ‘What happened to Britain'? Well, it is a question I have asked myself a number of times as well. As I have mentioned before, I came to the UK in the Seventies, yes there were problems then but those were to do with the fights between Unions and the Government. Remember the man called Heath? But now, the focus has shifted to lifestyles and individual gratification. The famous, ‘I know what I want and I want it right now’. And ‘I don’t care what you think or want, the only way is my way’. Instead of a straightforward fight between downtrodden, lowly paid workers and ever-more grasping employers as well as a government that tried to be a dishonest broker (nothing new here then) we now have to suffer loud, very woke, liberal leftie groups clamouring to be treated as the most important human beings on the planet. In whatever mode they want to be addressed, cat, dog, Klingons, or as a Venusian. I myself want to be known as a Saturnarian from the planet Saturn. Some of these groups think it is normal to campaign for equality for all mammals. This in order to legalise marriage between horse and human and this to be accepted by the Church as well. In our part of Wales we do already have animal blessings in the Churches and hotly debated is the need to accept same-sex marriage in Church. Already lesbian and homo-sexual priests have come out of the woodwork. Fine, whatever, but in the case of Israel they were referring to the very large demonstrations in favour of Israel’s destruction. Although thinly shielded by chants, flags, placards noting Freedom for Palestine, the anti-semitic feeling was there for all to see. Whether this was a direct result of the number of Muslim immigrants, many with a hatred of western ideology and life-choices or home-grown woke liberal groupings I will leave for others to discuss but it was certainly pretty wide-spread. Let’s not forget to mention the ultra right-wing groups who strangely enough have similar views concerning the Jews and Israel using the upheaval to create just a bit more aggression and mayhem. The question why Britain showed this very unpleasant side is what has happened to the nation that stood against Nazism, the nation that has a Parliament so all could have a voice by representation through its MPs? To Israelis it must have seemed that Britain was irrevocably anti-Jewish and favoured the collapse of the Israeli state. This is not quite true of course, but thanks to woke reporting by the BBC and the highlighting of theses protests have left an indelible negative impression upon other nations, particularly Israel. To me it also showed the weakness of government in this country. I count the police force as part of government. The then Home Secretary, replaced by a failed previous Prime Minister showing the level to which we have sunk, was absolutely right in her assessment of the situation. Fortunately she has been able to write about this so we all ought to be aware of the facts. The facts are not pretty and do show up the level of incompetence of this government and ruling party. Unfortunately it is across the whole spectrum of political life. Sad. We can only blame ourselves for allowing all this to happen. The last thing to say is that as with all things they will not last. There will be a reckoning. Let’s hope it will be quick and painless.


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