Problems on the streets, yeah but where exactly?

Anyone remember Enoch Powell? The Conservative politician who was minister of Health in the Sixties. He was the politician of the (in)famous words ‘Soon there will be more of them than of us’ and ‘There will be blood on the streets’. Or words very similar to that. So, what was he referring to? Well, he presumably was referring to the influx of immigrants. But also their propensity to have more children than the then ‘norm’ of two. Personally, I believe there was never a ‘norm’ but presumably it was the ‘ideal’ number, having 2 children, as not to overpopulate the planet. Well, whatever, but I think he had a point. Looking at the present situation, the resigning of British politicians with Middle Eastern roots or just following the Islam faith, it seems somewhat a prophetic couple of sentences outed more than 50 years ago. There are no rivers of blood but one wonders – have the battle lines been drawn? I am just an observer, I have no problem with immigrants except to say that it is a problem of weak government(s). It is a well-known fact, immigrants come for a better life or are escaping mayhem. War, revolution or such. It is also a fact that any country can only absorb a certain number and ‘integrate’ the arrivals. Homing and work in particular but also ‘lessons’ in how to integrate within a society  arrivals are now a member of. In Britain these things have never been done. Sure, some arrivals have been lucky and have found help, through family already here or friends and have integrated but most have not been so lucky.

But in the main they are on their own. As a result they have built ghettos to stay with their own kind, and in real terms live life much as they did, continually looking for work or ending up in the darker parts of society. Recently I read somewhere that one of the aims of Islam is to convert the whole world. If necessary, violently forced. And to be fair, not so long ago Christianity had similar aims. You may ask, what is the matter with faiths? I am, at least I think I am, a Christian but I have no intention to convert everyone. I don’t even want to discuss faith with someone else unless asked to do so or initiated by the other person or persons.

As it is, you may or not may, agree with the sentiments of the good old Enoch, he died in the late Nineties but he did issue a warning. Not specifically about immigrants persé but about this country’s inability to deal with the issue. He probably referred to the possibility of conflict if the aspirations of people are not met. For sure, it is not good to allow thousands of immigrants, millions even, and just drop them on the streets. That is just asking for trouble. Precisely the problem we have today. We may ask why is it that our government cannot deal with these problems? It is because we have upper-class(!) people who just want power, influence, money and do anything to obtain and keep it. It just so happens that these self-same upper-classes have little idea what life on the sidelines is really like. As a result laws and policies are made that bear little resemblance to what is really needed in the country. Time to ditch the system and have real democracy.


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