
Gwyliau - pam lai!

Cyn i mi gael fy hun yn ysgrifennu bost hwn ro’n i meddwl am fy nghwyliau! Beth am y tywydd, a ble? Yr Eidal neu Sbaen, cyfandir neu arfordir? Falle’n aros gartref? Fel arfer, mae’r tywydd yng Nghymru dim yn dda. Wel, yn ystod yr haf. Hyd yn oed, rhaid i ni fynd rhywle. Gallaf gofio taith i’r Eidal llynedd. Y gogledd llynnoedd, ac wedi ymweld Fenis, Rhufain, Pisa a Fflorens. Wel, roedd yn olygfa. Rhaid i chi wneud hyn i anghofio am gwleidyddiaeth yn yr wlad hon. Ar hyn o bryd wi’n wedi ymuno Coleg y Cymoedd i ddysgu yr hen iaith (Cymraeg). Mae hi’n ddiddorol iawn. Wel, wi’n ceisio. Ond siarad am gwleidyddiaeth yma rydyn ni wedi cael Plaid Llafur dros yn fwy na ugain mlynedd! Dim byd wedi newid o gwbl! Heblaw mae pwllau’r glo wedi cau. Miloedd o cyflogwr yn ddi-waith ar unwaith. Roedd y broblem dim gwaith arall. Roedd y Plaid Ceidwadwyr yn euog ond roedd y Plaid Llafur yn euog hefyd am siarad heb wneud! Felly, wi’n eisiau gwyliau yn fuan! Hwyl am y tro.

Dim ond yn meddwl - pam?

Gwleidyddiaeth, ydy’r math lleol yn argyfwng? Atebwch, IE! Yn Nonyrefail (fy nhgartref) datblygwyr yn dechrau safle newydd ar gyfer siopau newydd. Iawn ond beth ydy’r lleoedd parcio? Dim digon. Felly fe bydd siopwyr yn defnyddio y stryd lleol. Ond anfoddus mae’r strydoedd yn llawn eisioes. Beth am y swyddfa datblygu lleol? Ah, cwestiwn dda, maen nhw yn meddwl am treth cyngor. Ie, treth cyngor, dim safonau byw y trigolion lleol. Atebwch y cwestiwn hwn, pam ydy’r reswn rydyn ni ddim yn licio gwleidyddion? Dim ond yn meddwl!

Politicians not liked? Who said that!

Many a time, many different people have commented about the way politics is done in this country. The way decisions are made and carried out (or not!). One of the things amongst others is how people cannot seem to differentiate between national politics and local politics. This could easily been seen in the latest council elections in England. Even the BBC seemed to be confused and kept on talking about the national impact. Well no, these were local elections, elections for city and town councils, not national government! Obviously our communication channels needed to keep their schedules busy with trivia. Local elections are about people, the inhabitants of towns and cities who pay ever increasing council tax for seemingly ever decreasing services! But nobody even talked about that. Only the impact on the two main parties nationally. Indeed caring about people, it is something councillors need to remember. They are elected by the people for the people, locally. It is about the di

Costs - What costs?

I have asked this question many times – What price be put on history? Something to the tune of – We’ve always had the government, MPs in the Houses of Parliament. But now it needs a costly uplift. Something to the tune of £50billion. It is an interesting argument because London itself would not like to lose the Houses of Parliament, frankly they should as it is not fit for purpose. It cannot house all the MPs, easily seen at PM’s Questions. It is like a chicken coup! Looking at the so-called debating chamber (the one with the green leather benches) one can easily come to the conclusion it is made for two opposing parties. Moreover allowing these parties to continually shout and gesture at each other. That surely is NOT proper politics? To see Diane Abbott mouthing platitudes at the Home Secretary does not really help I think. To continually hear 5 or 6 questions fired from the Opposition Leader to the Prime Minister about some accident that has befallen an unlucky resident of some


Voor lezers in Nederland, tenminste als die er zijn, wonende in Wales zou ik elke reiziger oftewel vakantie houder aanwijzen om eens naar Wales te komen. Er is zoveel geschiedenis, kastelen, de taal dat allemaal erg interessant is! Tegenwoordig is er keus genoeg, hotels, kampeer plaatsen, zogenaamde 'bed and breakfast' (bed en ontbijt). Dus als er iets leuks moet gebeuren met familie, kinderen, ooms, tantes, nichten en neven, Wales heeft een antwoord! Doei!

Adeiladau'r Gwerin

Wi'n dysgu Cymraeg, wel oherwydd wi'n byw yng Nghymru wrth gwrs! Dim poeni am y gamgymeriadau. Ond yn ystod yr wythnos diwetha, gwers Cymraeg yn Coleg y Cymoedd, roedden ni yn siariad am yr Amgueddfa Gwerin Cymru a symud yr hen adeiladau i'r lle ger Caerdydd. Un o'r fath symudiad oedd hen sied clogiwr o Sir Penfro. Hyfryd iawn! Wi'n gobeithio ymweld yr amgueddfa ac edrych รข'r arddangosfa!

Man in the Middle? Probably a Russian...

Ah, the good and interesting Russians are now infiltrating every single home computer in the good 'ol UK. An interesting concept. But all the same I do think we should take computers and the Net a bit more serious. If you are, like myself, have a website at least ensure it has a SSL certificate. That means all outgoing stuff is encrypted (HTTPS). Google also seems to have added an extension to that named HSTS. I am not exactly sure what that does or how but it adds extra security. So, it all gets down to the wire. But at least your computer will not be used in Man of the Middle attacks (MITM). The Russians or indeed the naughty Americans or even the very naughty script kiddies can't get at you so easy! Also do not answer those wonderful offers of free money from these interesting Africans who obviously have defrauded their own country to the tune of billions. It is pretty laughable as these countries have no money whatsoever. In any case it is a badly worded, easy detectable sc