
Is there a need for Parliament?

Let me ask a question – why do we need a Parliament in this country? All decisions, at least those that seem to matter – are made in Brussels. There will be more and more so-called unity, an army and the Lord knows what else. So, why then bother with a load of costly nobodies who could not even agree on a few quite simple things? What sort of credibility has Westminster got now? Messing about, claiming lavish expenses, some illegally. On top of that there is a House of Lords where if you attend someone stuffs £300 in your pocket. What a shower. On that alone, although I voted to leave the EU, I would say abandon all pretence of self-government and obey the will of Brussels. We are not fit to govern ourselves, that has been shown very clearly indeed. The basic truth is this – Westminster is a defunct anomaly. It is or has been made crystal clear where the loyalties of MPs lie. It is with Brussels. So therefore do us all a favour and just go back from where you came from. Let the decis

Plastics, plastics, and more plastics....

It is a funny world – sure is. There’s so much talk about plastics, the environment, Brexit and God knows what else but no-one says anything about what kids get served up on the BBC and other channels like POP. I was watching as my grand kids like Gizzy and the Rats or otherwise known as Lemmings amongst others. The ads that came in between showed the most incredible crap toys and rubbish you will ever see. Talk about plastics! As my granddaughter said ‘Those little things, will they get to the ocean?’ Who in all honesty thinks that buying some gooey ‘sand’ is a good thing? Perhaps parents who do buy stuff like this need a quick lesson in why the planet we all live on is in such a state! It starts early, apparently children learn the most in their first year. Behaviour is most likely formed then but don’t take my word for it. In my experience it is the first two years that are most important. Anyway, people , just keep on buying the rubbish but remember this, every time you buy somet

Do politicians have some idea about money?

It always surprises me when listening to politicians speak about the state of the nation, for instance the number of police lost over a ten year period, or the deplorable state of education or care issues, they always point out the money side. They want more money, not just a few pounds, no we’re talking billions. Well, yes everything has a price. However, there is never an explanation as to how it has to be paid for. From my point of view, I get a certain amount of money on a monthly basis as indeed do most working people. That I can spend or save. But I spend according to a budget. If I go over that I have to delve into savings or borrow. I think this simple rule is the same for the country. And indeed they do, as the nation goes short every month and therefore have to borrow. That figure today stands at some two trillion pounds! £ 2,000,000,000,000. Costing some £55 billion in interest payments annually. So, how then if I may ask politely, do these politicians always ask for much

Our waste, where does it go, where does it end?

There are many words written in the various newspapers and on TV about the state of the oceans and seas. The plastic problem. But it is overlooked that in the western world it is us who are so careless. Even in a backwater such as the Rhondda in South Wales the roads, paths and byways are clogged with discarded paper, plastic wrapping, cellophane, small gas canisters used to sniff gas. Left-over food from places like McDonalds or Burgerking are all over the place. Especially in those small places, badly lit where cars can be parked and people dealing drugs. That is the society we have built up in the 21 st century. It is not a very good credit on our collective earth balance. Basically we are all guilty of ensuring our species will go the way of the dinosaurs. This might be quick but could be agonisingly slow. Unless we come to grips with the situation. There is not an easy solution as it will necessitate a complete re-think of what we want our society to be like. Cars will have to

Come to mama.....

Whatever anyone might think about immigrants or the reasons why they want to come to the UK, it is a fact that Britain’s use of patrol boats actually increases the attempts to cross over the Channel. I think that the feeling among those who want to cross is simply this, “Oh let’s get a small dinghy because the Brits will pick us up”. In truth that is exactly what happens. Immigrants are picked up and taken to Dover, which is just exactly as they desire. It is just another of these so-called policies made on the hoof without thinking of possible consequences. The facts are simple, those that want to attempt to cross are not immigrants, they are economic migrants, they are immigrants to France and France’s responsibility. It could even be argued they are Italy’s responsibility, if they came to Europe via that country. Or Greece’s. I know it is a big problem because Europe, all of it, does not seem to have taken much time to develop proper integration and containment plans. Even the econ

Cars and planes and all things nice...

Watching the TV one would think that there was only one item under the microscope – Brexit! But no, from time to time we can hear someone burbling on about climate change. It amazes me that we do not seem to take that too problematic. We will tweak the regulations a bit, sound optimistic, reduce carbon emissions by closing coal-fired power stations. Even sound enthusiastic about carbon capture technology. Plus a few sound bites by the government about banning petrol and diesel powered cars, Yeah, you heard it unless you live by yourself in a cave as I’m sure we might too if not careful. The number of planes in the sky number the million plus and they throw out quite a bit of pollution and damaging the higher layers of the atmosphere. Climate change by all accounts is now a fact. There should be no doubt that it will be impacting all our lives. Not in the far distant future, no, NOW! I am aghast at the attitude displayed by almost everybody, an attitude that says, I am not too worr

Leopards don't change their spots...

I did say I would not write any more about Brexit. But because it is such an alarming and disgraceful happening in the UK today, cannot be helped. Reading the various newspapers showed an article that more or less outlined exactly what I have always postulated. The day after the national referendum of 2016 we should have left. Closed the door, stopped all payments. There was no need to worry about imports of food and other things, companies abroad would not want to stop selling stuff to the UK just like that. It was always about the political spectrum. Not trade. The only thing we needed to do was to negotiate the future arrangements like ease of transport, tax (VAT) and the status of foreign nationals. If we had done that, Macron would not be president of France, Frau Merkel might have been retired and the Brussels autocracy taken down a number of pegs. The failure has been the lax attitude of the British politicians who to say the least have been sleeping for far too long. So, what