
A bit of planning might do you good, or not......

In the good old UK and particularly in Wales, we have loads of by-laws, laws, and regulations to keep us all happy. One of these fields is Planning. T hat seems to be designed to make as much money for Councils as possible. No friends, it is not for your benefit as a citizen of your area. That is what they want you to believe. Don’t fall foul of political talk. I live in an area that is called the Rhondda. Once the world’s supplier of steam coal to power ships, trains and in so doing make it possible to travel and trade with the rest of the world. Today that has, as we now know, helped to heat up the atmosphere because of increased CO2. So, what then about planning? Well, you only have to listen to central government and their ideas. Opening up the countryside because yes, we all know we need 2 million new homes. It is plainly ridiculous. If we only just control immigration properly, then we would not now be one of the most densely populated countries in Europe. I am not saying we

Piers Morgan back to ITV? Do it right now!

Hullabalooh and all that, I’m hearing rumours that Piers (Morgan) might be coming back to ITV. Interesting that. Not really important to most I suppose but nevertheless interesting. Especially as he is known to have walked out of the ITV studios after a spat with the woke Alex Beresford. Well, just look at the occasion. Piers said that Meghan had been lying in her interview with the obviously starstruck Oprah Winfrey. Personally, I saw that interview, well, at least that bit shown in the UK and I have never seen or heard such drivel portrayed as prime world news! If that is what Americans like to do, it shows what I suspected a long time ago, Americans in the main are vacuous and money obsessed. Yet, the US has some great people in their midst. How did a two-bit soap actress get so much influence? It shows the Tinseltown’s approach to life. You go over dead bodies to get what you want. So, well done Piers to point some of that out. It is high time that lifestyles like that are portraye

Eurovision? I like it!

Eurovision a laughing stock? No, people, it’s not. The Eurovision Song festival is just that , a festival. It has nothing to do with singing. It is simply a show, a show that leans heavily on gimmicks. That is just something we here in Britain do not understand. Look who won. Yes, a third rate rock band, nobody had ever heard of, not even in Italy. Then here came the Brits, a serious singer, bit overweight, no backing band, he didn’t appear out of a Stonehenge replica, nor did he have the royal crown on his head throughout or even wore a kilt and played the bagpipes. What chance did he have? None whatsoever, actually nil points was good, it could have been minus 10! Problem now is with the way we select here is that there will be no-one interested to apply next year. It was already traumatic this year with only one or two applying, so our choice was simply this, do we have a man or a woman? We should have chosen the cat. But it was fun. So, what next? I don’t believe we should withdra

I want a friend like Cummings....

Isn’t it lovely to have friends? Friends like Mr Cummings. Just love the guy. Its just great to see people like him that can put the knife in and lovingly turn it around a few times so we all can see the blood flow. It has to be obvious as well that Mr Cummings is as clean as a just born baby. Like he said, ‘ This Covid is not my fault you know. No, the Prime Minister, he is the one! I only went on a little drive to escape London! Why? Oh, a rampaging mob was outside my house. I love my cat and the poor moggie just was cowering away under the settee. That’s the reason I went to Barnard’s Castle. It's only some 250 miles you know. The cat likes to see swans swimming majestically. Blah di blah di blah....blah’. You know it says once again how rotten our political world is. Deadshead Cummings is just another of these charlatans. Why do we listen to guys like that? I said before ‘Don’t dig up your friends, let them rest in peace.... ’. He is someone who thinks everyone else is an idi

Does being a non-binary mean you're not counted?

Oh la la, he’s at it again. Rod Liddle my favourite journo, that is. Having a go at the police. He has a point you know. Police in high heels (South Wales) to show solidarity with women, police with blue nails (Avon & Somerset) showing solidarity with the movement against slavery. Painting a patrol car in the LGBTQ+ colours to show solidarity with I can’t remember what the ‘eck that was. As he indicated since when is the police politicised? Yes, because like it or loathe it these things are around today. We need the police to yes, police it! Not join it! I am a paid up member of the ‘Normal’ movement. Our gesture is not to bend the knee, have blue nails or dance naked on Porthcawl beach but have the forefinger and middle finger permanently displaying a ‘V’ gesture.  One of my daily papers, the Sun, reported another artist becoming an ‘IT’, non-binary Demi Lovato. An eminently forgettable entity that. Not human I think, at least she doesn’t look human to me. Perhaps Obama, who belie

How's Daddy then, Harry?

As probably everyone knows by now I am not a particularly avid royalist but at the moment I feel pretty strongly that the royal family is under threat. Not by me or the ‘normal’ public but by one of their own! I have to say from an outsider’s point of view that Mr Harry Windsor (note I am not using any titles) has completely lost the plot. Unless, and I say UNLESS, this is a new style attempt to take the crown. It has happened before of course. Richard III did it, two small princes disappeared. But I will be certain this is MR Windsor's coup d’etat when I see Price William and his children incarcerated in the Tower, London. However it is portrayed, Harry is wildly overstepping the mark. I think it is high time he is told, ‘Shut the gob mate’. And God only knows why the media here are reporting this claptrap. Once we thought Harry to be a brilliant exposition of how royals should be. Caring for the country. A soldier of note. But these latest outpourings of his show without a doub

Do you like variants? Well, variants seem to like us....

And so we are all wondering where we are as far as Covid is concerned. Kent, India, Brazilian variants are all creeping about. Lovely. But let’s have a look at governance. Despite the wonderful words emanating from Wokestan, sorry London or rather Westminster, you know the stuff ‘We will control the travel to countries that are on the red list’. Right, I feel much safer already. Then I see shots on TV from Heathrow Airport where travellers from the self-same red list countries freely mingle with everybody else in the halls. You must forgive me because I am a bit stupid really, I don’t understand what red list countries mean and nor does the management of Heathrow Airport. But you know as well as I do that the world has changed, what you could do prior to 2020 is now curtailed. Let’s be honest even before Covid ransacked the planet we need to understand we would have to change anyway. Change our attitudes, our life-styles if we want to continue living decent lives. Perhaps it has esca