
To be Linux or not to be? That's indeed the question...

For many years I have been an avid supporter and user of Linux. I have not used Windows on my main desktop for nigh on ten years. Linux from then and now are completely different things. In the beginning it was pretty hard to ins t all and run but today it’ s almost a baby’s game. The Linux flavour called Mint which is possibly the most popular after Ubuntu, is very Windows like. However, one has to have a smudge of computer knowledge as installation and installing peripherals are not always straightforward. Being frank, I must say Linux leaves Windows standing by a mile, if not more! On top of that, it is a much safer operating system. The software has a firewall (UFW and GUFW) that is pretty strong. In fact it is based on software called ‘I P tables’ in which the more conversant operators can set their own rules. I still have Windows on a laptop - an Acer , only because the wonderful manufacturer decided to  allow for Windows only . Any trial to install Linux just stops half-way.

Have a great 2022, looking forward to more political gaffes!

Possibly the last post for this year, I thought to mention something that is close to me, wokism and Covid. So, have a laugh or cry depending on how you feel!               Hahahaha, woke Britain is at it again. Well, why not cancel everybody? JKR otherwise known as the author of the world famous Potter books is battling to stay human.Well, that’s according to the wokies. Frankly I believe the lady is made of strong material. It really is getting stupid. Councils banning meat for fear of the vegan brigade. Pru Leith cannot say the word ‘calories’ for fear of upsetting people with eating disorders. I would have thought that people with eating disorders have other things to worry about and need medical help rather than the inane outpourings of the woke brigade. I would like to silence the woke brigade but I also believe fervently in ‘freedom of speech’. So, unfortunately the woke brigade has the right to speak, although it is still rubbish. I even read somewhere they want to cancel Fathe

A New Year's thought...

One thought that keeps me awake is, what is my place in this Universe? Yes, I know I’m weird. But it is very important to know your place isn’t it? Sometime in the past I noted a question on the Question and Answer platform called Quora. Because I am a fluent Dutch speaker (obviously) it was on the Dutch variant. There is an English/American variation, as well as a German. But I digress, this question was “Where is the centre of the Universe”? At first you might think the person asking needs to see a psychiatrist quickly. That’s what I thought as well, but at second glance it is not as silly as you think. We know from observations more or less our place in the Galaxy or if you will, the Milky Way. We know again from observations that we are part of a cluster of galaxies and I suppose using triangulation methods we could figure out the centre of that. But that is still no way near the centre of the Universe. In one way Universe is a strange word. As we look around us during the night ti

Is the law an ass or is it someone else?

It is great to read something about the problem we have in this country with anonymous people making complaints about someone else who said something they did not agree with. There are quite a few examples. Also the Sun national newspaper published an article by Mercy Muroki. A well written article highlighting the strange way police forces react to such complaints. Highlighting the case against a retired policeman Mr Harry Miller who tweeted some hard stuff during 2019 and had to endure three years of what can only be called persecution. I don’t know what he tweeted as I am not active on Twitter or Facebook but what bothers me is that the accuser has been allowed throughout to be anonymous. How can that be right? Surely if we all believe in free speech then as long as messages, tweets or such like are within the realms of decency and respect then that should be fine. For instance, can you call someone a moron? Why not if not? I have called politicians idiots and frankly by the way

Hello wokies, and goodbye!

It seems that many wokies (woke people that is) are moving from London to other hallowed places. They are now turning up everywhere. We are having heads (is that still allowed to say?) of schools cancelling boys and girls. Hurrah! Not before time, we want more unisex stuff. I am not sure what I am any more either, I have to look in the mirror when coming out of bed to see if it is still hanging. Then I remember. It is getting more difficult, my memory is getting hazy. So it is good to cancel male and female genders. Lovely, I must thank the head of that school in Manchester for her (sorry! it’s) decision. Seriously, how did it become a head? Probably with a degree in home economics? Or possibly in the new Panto module now being offered by some high flying University? There is something unpalatable about all of this, for a start there are too many women (sorry, non-binary beings) teaching in schools. Not many men (sorry, two-legged monstrosities) take up the cudgel. I wonder why. Pos

Goodbye Boris, I hope you will find a job soon...

There is nothing so funny as to listen to a bad loser trying to explain why! Take our hallowed PM, the once favoured politician, he tried to explain why a once an unassailable Tory seat that had a thumping 20,000+ majority was lost to the Liberal Democrats who got a majority of nearly 6,000! Meaning that 30,000 plus turned their backs on the Conservatives. And he has the gall to ask why!  Well PM even I, from my cosy armchair can see why! On top of that he has been reported saying “Constant litany of stuff about politics and politicians” overshadowing the government’s successes. Interesting take on a defeat. The frank truth is that he seemed not to know what everyone else knew. The politicians who were caught in the act of defying the law, the politician who was paid to ask questions in Parliament. The politician who nearly had his trousers down in the office! Need to know more PM? Then his blatant attempt to whitewash or deny anything happened.  Perhaps we should have seen his charact

A Nail in the Coffin? Hmmm...

Well there it is. The big nail in Boris’ coffin. Called the by-election loss in North Shropshire. It is how democracy works. As PM you can act like an idiot for only a short time. It is really incredible isn’t it? Like thousands of others, even die-hard Labour voters, I voted Boris in and as we thought, with a proper sound Conservative government. And what do we end up with? A buffoon who does not know the difference between right and wrong. We end up with a load of people who believe they are somehow above the law. How deep we have sunk. It is endemic all over Europe. Across the water we have another idiot who believes he is called Napoleon. Far off it seems but I begin to see great similarities between now and the time before World War Two. The period of 1933-1940 was just as idiotic as it is now. The Dutch would call it ‘losbandigheid’. A general disdain for rules. Also rule of law weakened due to judges’ incredible sentencing. Where life sentences are simply a joke, killers off w