
Some hospital visit that was!

So many times do we read and hear about all the problems faced by the NHS (National Health Service in the UK). The need for more money, the problems with waiting times, and let’s be brutally honest, the incapability of our wonderful politicians(!). To say politicians cannot even organise a p*ss-up in a brewery is an understatement. Whatever is ailing the NHS, it is NOT of their own making. There might be errors because of being understaffed, doctors and nurses are simply overworked, over-tired and presently underpaid. I say all this because I had to go to the local Welsh hospital for a CT scan on my colon . Being a bit nervous, because the last one some years ago involved a long black pipe carrying some equipment and a light. But things progress, this time it involved a very short tube up the rectum which I did not even feel and a large round scanner. Being wheeled four times in various positions it was all over in under ten minutes! And this is my point, these machines, scanners and a

It is all pointless, just for wanting to be topdog...

So the UN chief said that war in the 21st century is an absurdity. Hurrah, someone saying the right thing. If you look at it, it is an absurdity. Here we have a large country just throwing its weight about. Unfortunately they are making a big mess of it as well. Its like a little baby throwing its toys out of the pram. I want it Mummy, gimme,gimme, gimme! Russia feels threatened, we should ask Eh? By what or by who? Russia could have had excellent trading relationships with all the countries around it. Most need the resources they have. Russia could have been the richest country on Earth even surpassing the US and China! But no, they want political control. How stupid can you get? Instead of swimming in gold plated baths, they have become the pariahs of the whole planet.  But we have to be fair, the West has not always been squeeky clean either. We as well have thrown our weight around if things did not go our way. We really need to look at what makes humans do the actions we do, like

Are we still sleeping or have now finally woken up?

It is beginning to look like some powerful people are having to take desperate measures. That is to say, the Russian leadership. Sergei Lavrov continually mentioning ‘We are driving towards a nuclear confrontation (with NATO?) knowing it is basically claptrap. His credibility is nil. Now Britain is in the viewfinder, as we are supposedly supporting Ukraine. It beats me when it seems the the Russians do not think there should be any retaliation from the Ukranian side. No, of course not I suppose it is very OK to just march into another country, virtually rape and plunder everything you can get your hands on. Kill a few thousands of civilians and you don’t expect people to fight back? How stupid can you possibly be?  Has any Russian today have any credibility? If you call that brinkmanship you need a quick lesson in how to properly conduct yourself. To my mind the Russians are paranoid. They think they are a world power but in fact they are just a third world country with similar attit

The world is the world but is it right?

Now that we know, more or less, what the Russians are up to which is no more or less than the total destruction of another country. Whether this will culminate in annexation of the whole lot or just parts of it and which will most likely cut the Ukraine off from the Black Sea, we will have to see. But I am going to be extremely critical. Has Britain been culpable in this? In fact has the Western World? In the UK we allowed the Russian mafia to buy up great amounts of property. In fact we were so eager to get their money we were happy to overlook their credentials. And let’s be fair these credentials were well known! In fact if you look at the way Britain is governed, do you believe we are really, really democratic? Yes, we talk a lot about it but we are still governed by an elite that have great ties to the aristocracy. We have our own oligarchs, just look at who owns Ineos and where he lives. Look at Branson who mostly resides somewhere in the Caribbean. I am not saying that these two

Walk around, seeing things that matter...

Rather than reading all the gloomy reports about global destruction from a nuclear confrontation between Russian idiots and American sillybillies I went walking in nature and discovered hidden in a small tuft of grass a nest of robins. Yes, life goes on. I nearly asked the robin nestlings what they thought of Putin but whilst they blinked with their eyes I didn’t think they had an opinion. That is strange as the Russians might well unleash nuclear ar m aged d on which also would impact the robins. I just marvelled at how small they were. But you know, they have as much right to live as you and me! On my daughter’s property the germander speedwell grows profusely and I even noticed a harebell! Loads of buttercups at this time of the year and what surprised me there is a pair of grey wagtails that keep trying to get into the house! They tap their beaks onto the window, ‘Let us in’! I think the explanation was that prior to people living in the cottage at the time of extending the prope

Is there a point to Twitter? Really??

Reading Twitter makes you think the world consists of only total idiots. I have always wondered who Alistair Campbell really is under that austere skin. But he appears to be devoid of any common sense whatsoever. But he is happy. I also wonder at the same time what is the point of Twitter. However, some of the exclamations of horror and indignation are quite fun to read. I wonder if Boris Johnson reads Twitter? If he does, does he sleep at all?  Now I read that quite a few, more than 50 MPs are to be investigated. There seems to be only one thing MPs get investigated for and that is of a sexual nature. Whoaah! The Palace of Westminster a brothel now? It does not really surprise me, being cooped up with lovely low d ê colletage, mini-dress wearing secretaries it must do something for the nether regions, I think. T hese MPs, usually the male variety of course, cannot wait to get to the office to get to work(!). Should we ask what the state of British politics is in? Or should we admit t

Is there a point in protesting?

It is rather interesting, this grouping called Extinction Rebellion (XR). Doing some interesting things like protesting by glueing themselves to road surfaces or other interesting things like the top of buses or trains. The funny thing is by doing that they actually doing more damage to the infrastructure than ‘saving’ the planet. The argument stated that they want to protest against the government falls flat because the ‘inconvenience’ is actually directed at the general population. I have been listening to some of the inane expressions of some of the ‘protesters’ and pretty quickly you come to the conclusion that here we have yet another set of people who have found their reason for living . Meaning they have found what they think is their purpose in life.    I read an ‘New Yorker’ article from 2017 which asked quite simply ‘Is there any point in protesting’? By Nathan Heller and he (I am assuming he is a ‘he’ and not a non-binary exclamation mark) he pointed out some of the American