
Financial woes? You bet.. thank Labour!

OMG, you would not believe we are living in a country that basically won two world wars against almost impossible odds. Well, alrightie then not on our own but major participants nevertheless! Our people had to use their ‘stiff upper-lip’ for all those years but hey all that was lost yesterday in the panic about a mini-budget. God help us, the Labour echelon and others gleefully jumped on the bandwagon and literally heightened the whole drama up to dizzy heights. And that from a party that claimed it would win the next General Election. Sorry Keir you have been found out as a lightweight and basically as someone who does not know what he is talking about. You are way out of your depth my friend ! Also, whilst you are opening the Exit door please tell that Wes Streeting to read a few books and familiarise himself with the NHS. A bit of Accountancy knowledge would help. What a shower and frankly a sizable part of Cons MPs are also part of this drama. The Chancellor did the RIGHT thing! T

Are the Media dangerous to Life? Well....could be

Day in day out we read about problems with children who simply cannot distance themselves from their mobile phones. You might ask; well, why give them in the first place? The problem is that everyone, literally everyone, now uses mobile phones. Children communicate in some arcane language they seem to understand but most grown-ups raise their eyebrows in the hope that it can make what they read, intelligible! My own family is locked into an app called WhatsApp. One of the most insidious things you will ever have. It is, I know, like a drug. There are people who have them in bed! Whatever turns you on but it has to be said that it does seem to influence your mental state. What I have done in conjunction with my daughter, the grandchildren are governed now by a software program called Famisafe. It allows for controlling what they can do on their mobiles. It is rather simple because you can set up times when the mobiles are blocked, for instance bedtimes or game playing. You can block th

Tax cuts galore, we'll all be millionaires!

If one said ‘We are in a pickle’, he or she would be entirely correct. We are in a pickle and not just the war in the Ukraine. Although that could well blow us all up to the ‘hiernamaals’ as the Dutch would say. Frankly if I was still in that lowland I would worry a bit more because a few bits of ordnance, like they are throwing around further east, dropped on the seaside dams would inundate most of the country. Politics is a funny business. Internationally and nationally. I was just watching the BBC, that ‘independent’ broadcaster this sunny Sunday morning when the Shadow Business Secretary, I forgot his name already, spouted the usual crap that Labour and now also the Conservatives, are (in)famous for.  Apparently Keir Starmer is now fronting a ‘wonderful’ new plan to increase green energy. Everybody will be millionaires. Great! I will vote Labour at the next election. But hang on a mo, here we go again, promises, promises, promises. I have long felt that all these so-called ‘new’ pl

Like Socialism? Or Communism? Well, eh...

It has become pretty obvious as was pointed out on one of the many TV interviews that Russia had no intention to properly deal with their so-called occupation. They merely overran some areas after first having obliterated most of the infrastructure and then proceeded to deal with the population. Rape included as well as taking everything that took their fancy. Even after months the population and their possessions were treated as free booty. There were no attempts to restore services, no attempts to install proper government. In short Russia merely released a horde of gangsters, rapists, thieves and murderers onto another country. This is the year 2022 and it seems now without any doubt that Russia still lives in the 1800’s. Backward and how they ever obtained nuclear weapons is beyond me. There must have been many traitors in the West, those who think that communism is the way to save the world. Well, we have now seen how that works! We merely have allowed a fourth world country to ha

What went wrong then, my old matey?

Like in the cartoon film Big Hero 6 where one of the characters said, ‘What’s the plan? What IS the plan? There has to be a plan’, Russian soldiers say the same thing. It has quite abundantly become clear, there was no plan at all with the invasion of the Ukraine. It seemed that from the beginning the idea was just to march into Kiev, take the government hostage and go back to Moscow eating borscht. Job done. Puppet regime in and to be followed by a so-called trial for nazi crimes. Putin was ready, already seated at a huge enormous table but now still by himself. There were supposed to be all his victorious generals beside him. Ah, how fate intervenes! Instead what have we got? Russia a laughing stock, an army that proved to be no army but a bunch of farm boys handling stuff dated from WW2 and only then if they spoke or understood the accompanying leaflet ‘How to load and fire the gun’. Most of the Russian weapons were based on foreign designs. Farm boys are not designers or engineers.

And so we go on...

The Queen has died. Long live the King! This is the mantra that is said after the dead of the reigning monarch. It is quite funny, I have not seen or heard any Twitterati complaining that we should be more diverse and should have said, They have died, long live Non-Binary It. What a load of trash, time to tell all the Its, Non-Binaries, to shut it and get back to work! Or if in University, do a proper study and leave the Home Cooking and Vacuum Cleaning degrees in their respective bins. Yes, Queen Elizabeth II has died after one of the most honourable and long reigns which we probably will see no more. Seventy years, it was incredible. She, like many other families did not escape problems, no need to go into them right now, we all know it well but the seventy years did not pass by on a rosy, flower strewn path. Nevertheless, we should all be grateful for her steady, compassionate reign. Her undoubted but not spoken of, political insights, her influence in many areas of life in the UK

The Guardian, a newspaper that guards...what exactly?

If you ever wanted to know why I dislike the lefties in this country, just read the Guardian newspaper. In one of the articles I actually read on my mobile, written by Stewart Lee, I must say I have never read such incomprehensible drivel! He obviously dislikes Boris Johnson and called him a bastard! If that is how a responsible outfit like the Guardian, left-leaning as it is, has journalists of the Stewart Lee standard, the paper needs to be rolled up and set fire to it. Besides, they need to file for bankruptcy. It was indeed one of those vile emanations from woke ultra leftie people you would see. It is sad to have to say this, this guy used the Bard’s (Shakespeare) King Lear to enhance his vitriolic attack on Boris Johnson. Even worse he said that if you voted for him or supported him you were an absolute idiot. He used another few words, best not repeated here. I know I have call ed people idiotic but I am sure I have never called for the use of language like that. In fact I sh