
A jaundiced view? Well, make your mind up....

Every day I watch the morning’s news on TV, yes from the impartial BBC and this morning I listened to Yvette Cooper, one of the lefty Labour stalwarts. It is really no wonder that this country is in the doldrums with people like that around. Bereft of common sense and full of ideas about how to spend money. The problem is it is not her money but mine and yours. The discussion was about the immigration problem. And before everyone jumps down my throat I am NOT against immigration in principle. Certainly not because in one way I am one or rather was, one myself. But I am against uncontrolled immigration. And I shall tell you why, for people to come believing as they do that this is the pro m ised land flowing with milk and honey and free money and a house, there will be a sharp awakening. Because the reality is completely different. There is no milk and honey, the farms a slowly closing down because they cannot make ends meet due to power costs, there is no honey because all the bees are

Bored with the mess in politics? Try this...

As most will know by now, I am a reader of Quora, the Question and Answer platform but not a contributor. It is rather interesting in the banality that shows up at times. Having studie d mathematics in my past life I smile at some of the questions that are asked. Mostly I ruefully smile and think to myself ‘What the *ell’? You continually get silly formulae type questions such as – From an unknown number 5 is deducted, multiplied by 10 and the result is 82, what is the unknown number? Well, if you work it out which will take all of two seconds you will know the answer is 13.2 as (x-5)10=82. So, opening brackets to multiply the constituents 10x-50=82. Transferring the negative to its positive side 10x= 82+50 or 10x=132. So x=132/10= 13.2 In order to check you can put the answer into the formula like so – (13.2-5)10=82 deducting and multiplying 8.2x10= 82. So, correct. One of the rules that lots of people do not get is the use of the ‘equal’ sign, the =. This is where a positive nu

Some hometruths...

Just reading the newspapers there is one item that provides all the headlines. The sorry state of politics in this country. Never mind Liz Truss, Boris, or Rishi they are all just the same. As Douglas Murray says in the Sun newspaper, too many MPs including leaders are just in the game for themselves. And as he pointed out this is not just something that happened a few weeks ago to today. No, this has been something that stems from further away. We have been badly served by non-entities which I too have been continually saying. If you think this is a Conservative political problem, no Sir it is not. It goes across the board. Just look at the frontbench of the Labour party! Low quality abounds. On the Conservative side we see eager beavers just to start the next resignation scandal. All to enhance themselves. Rishi is basically a newcomer, what is his political strength? God knows because I sure don’t. Our politics as was pointed out today resembles that of a banana republic.  Even Ita

A quick look at past posts...

Often it is necessary to have a look at previous posts and as I did so I noticed one written in 2018. Yes, 4 years ago! My beard was still in its infancy then. But one titles, ‘Hurrah hoist the flag…’ stood out, particularly because the political world situation has changed so much. The post was basically my opinion about our military capabilities pertaining to all the cuts to the UK forces we have had. Talking big doesn’t make you more capable. The post was written in response to the poisoning of Russian nationals residing in the UK after having fled apparent mistreatment or danger to life. Anyway, the question was, who was likely to be responsible. Well, today it has been discovered, but not with 100% certainty, that Russian agents have been at work. Again, if such agents would return and be apprehended, we could start proper judicial action. In the meantime we will have to wait. The second thing that has changed enormously is the military one. Thanks to the Russian invasion of the U

We need a new idea... now!

If there is any greater sign that we need a federal type of government it is the present situation in Westminster Parliament. The bickering and the seemingly never ending quarrels and spiteful infighting of political parties shows that one-party government is outdated. But what would take its place? We are trying proportional representation in local governmental circles which would mean coalitions for central government. This could work and does in other countries but here?? Then we could also enlarge the system of devolved governments. In other words federal governments. Four independent countries but as in the United States a central policing set-up which deals with defence and matters of finance. Taxes levied will be by the federal states a substantial part then taken by the central body to pay for that. It would mean a much smaller body although it would deal with foreign matters, defence and related financial costs. There are other types that could be looked at I suppose but in g

It just doesn't stop raining, it now storms...

Blimey as they say around here, what in all blazes is going on in Westminster? By the look of things we are governed by a load of kids. This is not to downtalk kids, most kids are great but the shower we have to listen to, who make the laws we live by are something else! As I have said many times before the quality, the knowledge these people possess is virtual nu, nil, zilch, niks, dim, to say it in a few foreign languages. From where I am sitting we have far too many. 650+ could be whittled down to 150 or so taking away some of the fields of responsibility. Dividing the whole country in responsibility zones where the locals can decide for themselves how they want to live. Or go for a proper federal system. Westminster has far too much to do and say. Most of the intricacies of lawmaking simply bypasses most MPs who rather talk over a pint in their local pub. One of the most able recent ministers Suella Braverman resigned after just a few weeks in the job citing U-turns and watering do

Facts or feelings? Yeah, well ....

A few days ago at a discussion group and talking about the political situation in the UK I was aghast at how many opinions there are that are not based on the reality. That are not based on the facts. Now, it is difficult to be factual because there are many diverging reports, and also possibly depending if you belong to a political party. There are people who have very strong opninions about something or the other but on examination they are ‘feelings’. That is to say they feel something is going wrong but they don’t exactly know why or how. On top of that they do not try to find out from reputable sources. Incidentally, Twitter or Facebook are not reputable sources. They are sources of discontent, halftruths and outright lies. An example I found on the Internet written by a professor of Physics (and you would accept that such a person knows about facts) pointed out an interview with Whoopi Goldberg, yes the one and only religious dancing and singing sister, in which she explained tha