
Government or Civil Service, who governs?

In all honesty what is going on in this country? Is anyone actually governing it? Perhaps as I have said in the past, we are governed by the hallowed Civil Service. Elected ministers are side-lined. This was all too obvious recently with the attacks on Dominic Raab, our deputy Prime Minister. Today, it is known with out doubt, the knives were out for him and pretty successful at it as well. The woke brigade who were crying about being ‘bullied’, in other words that you and me would use, ‘talked to sternly’, have won the first battle. This thing is not over yet, me thinks. I believe over the next few weeks some damning evidence will be published as to what really happened on the occasions that these Civil Service mandarins were carpeted. Already we have heard about some incredibly stupid rulings, viz Gibraltar when some unelected twit had indicated it was OK for Spanish police to be added to the Gibraltar force. That would be the same as Russian police being stationed now in the eastern

To Quora or not to Quora, that is a question...

Looking around on the Internet does give you a headache. I am rather interested in basic mathematics and do look from time on the Question and Answer platform Quora. You will see questions like ‘How many times can you delete 1 from 50’ ? In fact there are hundreds, if not thousands, of questions like that. I often wonder what the rationale is to ask these? Does one get paid for asking a question? If so, well good luck to them but it makes Quora rather unattractive. People seem to think it is clever to ask such rubbish because the answer can be twofold. Obviously in one way you can only deduct 1 from 50 once because then the question loses its meaning. Although you can deduct one from 49. And all the way until it becomes deduct 1 from 2. So it just depends how to look at the question. A bit nonsensical in both ways. It demeans the art of mathematics. I suppose it might make some people scratch their heads. Again though, looking at the Internet in general terms there is an enormous amoun

Are we in the property doldrums? Well, eh...

Many times we have noted the increasing number of houses bought by English or foreign people for holidaying purposes. In fact we have stayed in such a property recently. No matter what we think about this, one fact remains and that is local people find it more and more difficult to find property to purchase or rent. On top of that it also means that if these properties are close to each other viz. Aberaeron in North Wales, the village or town will be virtually deserted in wintertime. Another fact that has not been discussed widely is local shops have much less footfall and sales have plummeted. Shops in such places find it difficult to maintain their services and some have already closed down. As I have family across the water I heard something recently that worried me. It was overheard in a golf club in Holland where a group of players was discussing having bought ‘cheap’ property in Wales for the purpose of maximising their profits. If this is true and I cannot see any reason why it

The holiday blues? Hmm, could be...

Apologies for not having written any opinions, I have been away for a week to sample the seaside in West Wales. The week before Easter is usually pretty quiet, not like the frenzy that we have seen later with hours long delays at Dover, also notable on the motorways. But it does not surprise me in the least, the British are herd animals. They move at the same time, go to bed at the same time, make love at the same time. Well, someone said that, I am not sure if that’s actually true. But yes, come holiday time we all get up, get the car ready, kick the dog and set off. Along with 24 million others. We are also very good at complaining. Complaining about delays because there are so many hampering our progress. How do they dare! It’s basically a sign of complete mismanagement, disorganisation of private and public life. It could be called freedom of choice but I would call it a very poor choice. Even so, I missed the reading of papers, simply because the shop in the village where we staye

Something to worry about? Well.. take your pick

Bought the wrong newspaper yesterday (28/3/2023), The Mirror. Good heavens what a vitriolic rubbish. I suppose no British newspaper is good, they all seem to want to air their opinions on politics, one-sided only. Anyway, the Mirror is unabashedly Labour, no doubt about it. Funny though I say it, I had to agree with their main article. Their bit on Kwasi Kwarteng and also the delectable or should I say, kissable Matt Hancock. Well, someone wanted to kiss him. But the main thrust of the piec e , dare I say it, money. I have said many times that there is a grey area with too many politicians about cash. Let’s not call it corruption yet but until it is made clear what is allowable I suppose it is. Parliament insists that all earnings outside are declared but how many seem to forget that? Even the Chair of the 1922 Committee seems to have different idea on how it is alright to ‘earn’ money on the side. What I have said in the past still holds strong today – people become politicians not

Is it real help or just a token...?

Not sure whether any British politician has figured out what do to help the Ukraine. Sure, we will have ( hopefully by now) sent some Chieftain tanks and also ammunition but the rate at which the Ukrainian army is using it, thanks to the ‘human wave’ tactics of the Russians, they need millions more bullets, grenades and missiles. The other thing which I do not understand is the reluctance to deliver up-to-date warplanes. It seems to escape our notice that the Russians are testing a. our resolve and b. our economics. Meaning the Russians expect our resolve to weaken, our economics to dive and to drive a wedge in the European Union and also NATO. Even though Britain is no longer a part of the EU we are still pretty well involved in the political rooms of Europe. Including military organisation. There should be no doubt in our thinking Russia will not stop despite sanctions, despite set-backs on the battlefield. In fact Russia is now building up allies, China is also part of that. We are

What's wrong Pussycat? I don't know, I'm a dog...

Politicians in this country and possibly in other countries as well, are wondering why nobody likes them. Why they have lost the trust of the general population. Well, I can certainly tell them why that is. For a change politicians do not seem to have much of an idea what is going on. They don’t have a grip on the issues. The rules/laws they make tend to have so many sides to it that they are virtually useless. Development is one of the very much weaker issues that pertain the country. One of the issues is that development is permitted without thinking about infrastructure. I had to go to the hospital in Cardiff (The Heath) which is what I would term relatively modern and also very large! But with all the new building of houses in Cardiff the number of people has shot up and that would include also more people needing medical treatment. It is quite noticeable how busy this hospital is and from where I am sitting it is already way too small to accommodate the numbers! This is also shown