
An interesting view? You decide...

As may well be known I do read quite a bit, yes sometimes rubbish but mostly stuff that interests me. I read Quora but again I must say a lot of that is essentially, what you would call, cr*p. Sometimes though you read something interesting. Someone called Fred Bloggs, name not his own obviously but an attempt to stay anonymous. He (or she) had an interesting look upon the question of authoritarianism versus democratic government. He/she might even be a British citizen, seeing he/she used the word harboured and not the US spelling harbored. Whatever... I quote: Because authoritarian states soon become failed states, and when that happens, they have a habit of making their internal problems, external problems. History teaches us this many times over. Here’s why… Firstly, it is important to understand that authoritarianism can come about for many different reasons: for example, through direct aggression (e.g., a coup, invasion) or even through democratic processes, when people are suff

Let's make our minds up whether we are British?

It is rather interesting to read some posts on the website of Quora, the Question & Answer software. I have picked the post below as something close to my own views. The funny thing is that loads of posts thereon are anonymous. Or they are answered according to a question you cannot read. Even so, if you wish to read similar posts, only one way look on Quora. It comes in a variety of languages. But coming back to what the post below says, although presumably an US based discussion, can pertain to the two-party system in the UK as well. Also the religious part as we have a plethora of denominations. The Church of England and its sister denominations in Wales and Scotland are also pretty well looking to serve themselves. The falling congregations are a strong sign things are not as they would want them to be. In a previous post on my blog I did mention the Churches’ predilection to pander to the woke community and so becoming part of it. Switching off many possible worshippers. As

A view on the world today...

For a while now I have been writing this blog, it is not widely seen but nevertheless it allows me to put my views onto a wider platform. The posts could be seen as displaying a pretty negative view of the political world and the failures of governments. There should be no doubt that things are not really brilliant. Obviously there are good things happening. There are many efforts to alleviate the harm human beings visit upon the planet. Only it is not enough by far. The funny thing is that being negative all of the time might result in some damage to one’s mental health. Although I have a faith, I am a Christian, but even the Church has fallen into the trap of wokism. Possibly due to falling numbers they appear to have resorted to agreeing with every stream of public thought. It has lost touch with the original view of a sound world with a man and a woman being the underlying structure of a healthy society including the care for offspring . That view is the basis of the Bible. The Bi

My Monday morning rant...aaaah,that's life

It’s a bit of a laugh to see how the policies of various governments come back to bite them in the ar*e. Take Immigration, in particular the failure of containing the boats across the Channel. It has allowed many in that shouldn’t have been allowed to stay. But stay they do, wether hidden or not. Some even get what they call  a visa and so they can work. Some end up on the payroll of TfL (Transport for London). I might have guessed this but someone tell me I am wrong? Data to be supplied please. As such people might be inclined to start chanting slogans to show their real intent or the background from which they come. Now, whether they are brown, white, orange, yellow or even white, does not matter. Buses, trams or trains are no place to start outing your allegiance to some political beliefs or rant about perceived aggravation such as happening in the Middle-East. It is funny because I have not heard about any rants against Ukraine for violating the poor nation called Russia. Or for th

The Nightmare at Christmas? Hmmm...

Wondering this morning after I have got up out of bed, a bit later than usual as it is Saturday and listening to the awful reporting that the BBC calls News, I wondered about the world. Thinking about it, what is the end of the world really going to be like? Will it be South Sea beaches fringed with coconut palms and frisky maidens dancing with flower ribbons to be put around everyone’s neck? Or will it be the nightmare called Gaza? Or even more, like what we see in Scotland and other areas with the weather. So, some might say, so what, these things are normal. They have happened before and will happen again. Yes, that might well be true in some respects. But we should hasten to add, ‘Will happen much more frequently’! Might I add that all the aforementioned cases will increase? Because the overpopulation of habitable areas will continue unabated. Linked to that will be the ever increasing consumption of available resources. Unfortunately these resources have an end-of-life label attac

The wokies are at it again...shut the cakehole..

It is such a wonderful world, except for the fact we have to deal with stupid liberal woke artists. We have now such a load of idiots around who haven’t a clue about world politics and on top of that do not do any research in the questions that have arisen on the world stage. It is all jumping to conclusions, and mostly regurgitated from others such as some Labour woke lefties. These are the people that think themselves something and important. They just could not wait to get on the record, writing a letter denouncing Israel, conveniently forgetting which side started all this. These are the sort of people who started WW2! Those that were listed on the letter (as detailed in the Telegraph website message) are eminently forgettable. In the years to come people will say Charles Dance, Steve Coogan, who? Never heard of ‘m. Just to put the record straight, I also feel for the Palestinian people. As per the usual, politicians and terrorists start all this mayhem but ordinary people suffer t

Is humanity performing euthanasia on itself?

Looking at the happenings in the Middle East I wonder how suddenly Hamas, i.e the de-facto army of the so-called Palestinian state, took it upon themselves to invade Israel. It cannot be a coincidence that Russia needed some pressures, not in Ukraine but somewhere else to take away the limelight on them. W here better than the Middle East. I am virtually certain that one way or another there are political shenanigans afoot. What IS Palestine exactly? I know about Bedouins, Arabs and Jews, are these not all one and the same? Sure, there are different religions but if you look very closely there are great similarities. It is stupid of most of us not to notice but three of the most followed religions are all based on the same precedents. So w here does the term Palestine come from, I might ask. There was the Ottoman empire, and prior to that the Roman. Prior to that Alexander rampaged through the area. Prior to that we had Egyptians, Hittites and God knows what else. Even monkeys held sw