A view on the world today...

For a while now I have been writing this blog, it is not widely seen but nevertheless it allows me to put my views onto a wider platform. The posts could be seen as displaying a pretty negative view of the political world and the failures of governments. There should be no doubt that things are not really brilliant. Obviously there are good things happening. There are many efforts to alleviate the harm human beings visit upon the planet. Only it is not enough by far. The funny thing is that being negative all of the time might result in some damage to one’s mental health. Although I have a faith, I am a Christian, but even the Church has fallen into the trap of wokism. Possibly due to falling numbers they appear to have resorted to agreeing with every stream of public thought. It has lost touch with the original view of a sound world with a man and a woman being the underlying structure of a healthy society including the care for offspring. That view is the basis of the Bible. The Bible is not a nice read, it has many bloodthirsty passages. The OT is a story of looking for and mostly failing, for an overall spirituality aiding a stable society. The NT is basically strengthening that view, as can be noted in the writings of St Paul. In any case, however one would view it, the Bible is a great way to follow how life really should be. There will be struggles, there will be death, people can be nasty, people can also be extraordinarily good. It’s all part of the great exercise called, LIFE.

Viewing the happenings in the world today we could easily become despondent, actually many of us are but if we let that happen then all the good things will become as nought. This is why we do really need to look at the underlying reasons why Russia is like it is, why Hamas acted in the way they did and the results. As well as why Iran has taken the ideological way it is on presently. Also, we must not forget the political machinations the western world is carrying out. We tend to look at just our own well-being and carry out actions to further aid that. In other words an inward looking view. The US tends to think of itself as the keeper of the peace but in doing so interferes in almost everything everywhere. Now China thinks it ought to do so as well. Russia did for a while but has fallen back. Iran thinks it should be the only Arabic country around. The real human problem, ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ is the mantra humans apply. It is and will always be, the human disease.

It is why I struggle sometimes to understand why our government, although not the only one, just cannot get its act together. It is a continual ‘chop and change’ state of affairs. Trying to appease every single critic, groups or individuals such as our blessed celebrities. Prior to general elections we hear beautiful prospective policies but very rarely any come to fruition. Very quickly it is forgotten or severely amended and basically useless. I am not advocating authoritarian rule, far from it but I would wish governments to have a bit more of a backbone. It was the reason I liked the good Boris, but again you see someone who quickly became derailed in the mire and so turned out a bit of an idiot. You can look back and just count on the fingers of one hand those PMs who made the grade. Yes, from both Labour and Conservatives, even a few Liberals. Perhaps the problems beseeching us today might cause to surface someone who will make the grade!



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