Duplicity - what IS that exactly?

There is a beautiful word in the English language – it is ‘duplicity’. What does it mean exactly? Well, the Miriam-Webster dictionary says: Contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action or also especially : the belying of one's true intentions by deceptive words or action. I do believe it is taught to politicians, old, new and aspiring ones. A friend of mine who aspired to be a local politician suddenly has a whole new demeanor and opinions changed. If he has any left, that is. They are all and sundry afraid to be held to account. You may ask why that is? Well, I think it is because of the media. Everyone with a mobile or other type of computer equipment can now judge for themselves the words of any politician. Compare the words heard with the reality on the ground. Take the issue of immigrants, the Channel ones. I don’t think I have to outline the issue in detail, we all know it by heart. Possibly started by one of the most duplicitous human beings, the then leader of the Labour party aided by his henchman, declared the borders are open. Then later when things started to get out of hand, they disappeared, not in real life but in words.

Another vague thing heard recently,the present leader of the Labour party has now declared we will build a number of new towns to ‘alleviate’ the housing crises. The sound bite of all sound bites. Wonderful, I slept well last night knowing this guy has my back. The question is, has he or his team actually thought that one out? Mentioning the time after WW2 when indeed new towns were built (Milton Keynes, Cwbran in Wales) he forgot there were only some 38million people alive in 1945 and average lifespan was some 67 years! Today there are nearly 70million citizens and average lifespans for both sexes is over the 80s! The difference is quite astronomical. It simply means there is scant room for more towns and what land there is will be fought over tooth and nail!.

No amount of political posturing will stop the reality being shown. Even if Sir will be Prime Minister he will not escape the years long wrangling and the billions it will cost. I would have thought one aspiring PM would stay away from fights he cannot possibly win and having to vastly increase the national debt! It is simply duplicitous language. Full of promise without substance. If politicians would be like me, they would be bald from scratching their heads, continually asking ‘Am I alive’? Some allegedly are seen walking the hallowed halls of Parliament with arms stretched out mumbling incoherently.

The whole question in reality is a serious one – politicians do spout duplicitous words and make up stuff. Some do actually lie. In the vernacular – tell porkies. But why? Is there a need for the population to be feeling the world is fine? By most accounts, to be alive is a dangerous thing. There are billions, if not zillions of bugs trying to get hold of us and I am not even including humans in that. Life is a continual struggle, a fight even. It is as nature intended. It sounds as if we have a choice, but indeed we have. It is to accept we are what we are but with the proviso we can make things better. We must not hide from reality but face it head on and only then can we make plans to improve things. And above all, let politicians stop pretending they matter, because in the scheme of things, they don’t! In fact, none of us do.


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