Human rights? What human rights?

Very often I am being castigated for having an anti-peace idealism. What!? But I know where that comes from – it is something I have said, mentioned often. It is fine to believe in human rights but that has to come from both sides. It is now quite evident I was right. Human rights is just a word, a dream. An idea held by yuppies and liberal idiots. Humans are merely animals when it comes to pass. I mentioned some time ago about rats being held in some spacious confinement. All went well, there was plenty of food and space but then they began to multiply as humans tend to do when the opportunities are right. Like food, shelter and enough space. But when that becomes narrow, and food becomes scarcer, all hell breaks loose. Look at Gaza, a living hell. Whatever the arguments are, whoever says they own it, it doesn’t matter. The Earth belongs to all living beings. If there are too many of one or the other, they just fade away or simply die. It is an irreconceivable law of nature. But humans do not learn quickly. I say that because there is enough evidence today that humans, including me, are causing this global warming phenomenon. But are we doing anything that will ‘REALLY’ combat this? There are miles of text, there are zillions of words but very little action and what action there is , is basically just a bit of tinkering around the edges. Look at Britain, we pride ourselves on our approach towards ‘Net-Zero. But I am sorry to tell you it is no more than a pipe-dream. Listening to the wonderful but dim Keir Starmer who now wants to build whole new towns to solve the housing crises and forgetting he is and his party too, would be allowing the influx of thousands of immigrants. Besides all of that, building towns will scarcely help to combat global warming. In fact it will just make it much worse.

But as we know, human rights are to be followed. Only seemingly just here. I am sorry to say that even though most of the western countries are supposedly signed up to the ideal, in truth it does not work. When push comes to shove, all restrictions melt away before the hot sun, as seen in Israel over the last few days. Talk to the Ukrainian people about human rights and I wonder what they would say.

I am sad to say that the first time I heard about the atrocities in Israel, my first thought was, ‘Oh dear, they will flatten the place’. And that is exactly what is happening. So, where are all these human rights? Forgotten in the heat of the moment and it will always be so! So bin them and put in something that will work!


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