Where is the western resolve gone to?

And so the rumblings begin. What do I mean? The rumblings about the war in Ukraine. In a way it is understandable. Like for instance, here in our part of the UK we do not know the agony of daily rocket attacks, the screaming and dying with limbs blown off. Slowly bleeding to death. This only happens far away, so why worry? We have enough to worry about with our own failing economies. With our cost of living. You will now note the slow sentiment growing in western Europe. Look at Hungary, Slovakia, even Poland which is Ukraine’s neighbour. In all of that you can hear the gloating Russian voices who are well versed in the art of sowing dissension and providing fake news. They know well that eventually the US and Europe will tire of supporting the one country that is suffering the agony of having to bear the avarice of a very large neighbour. The neighbour which seems to think that the whole world should be submissive to it. Yes, all of it. The problem is that the picture of how that should be done differs from western ideology in quite some way. The eastern way is autocratic meaning a small number of individuals are at the top making up the rules whilst the western idea is more democratic. Meaning of course that to a great extent policy and rules are influenced by the voting patterns and political ideas and ideals from political parties. So, now that western resolve is weakening, it is exactly as predicted and hoped for by Russia.There is however one thing our wonderful politicians and yes, our own populations, are forgetting. We are in danger of losing our freedoms. Our freedoms that have been won over the years, hard fought. We believe that the people are the power, and politicians are subservient to that ideal. It doesn’t always work well but in principle it forms the basis of our nations. Russia has never followed that ideal. The reasons may be manifold but the overbearing principle here is autocratic leadership and most of the times bordering of criminal intent. Visualize the emergence of extremely rich individuals. Well, that is as may be but we in the western ‘democratic’ world need to remember why we have democracy and are not subservient to a despotic command structure which impoverishes the population as a whole except for those who hold the reins. It is also true that this can happen in our ‘democratic’ set-up. Unscrupulous people are no exception to western societies. Criminal organisations do exist everywhere. It is the dark side of humanity. But it can get out of hand. Criminal organisations like the Mafias, the drug cartels, can only exist when supported by weak political control, and weak decision making. All living organisms and that includes humans, need to control their existence. Meaning living space, food, shelter. In most animals this is done through instinct. But being too successful can also bring its destruction. Too many individuals will mean not enough food, not enough space. In the case of humanity, we have the possibility of controlling our existence, governing our growth and use of our space and the environment. Unfortunately, we have not started yet. If we do not begin to control our individual appetites then like so many entities before us, we will simply outgrow our space and disappear. This is the big conundrum. The choice is ours to make. We should not allow autocracy to win over the will of the people. If we do we will simply be back in medieval times where only the very strong will live and the rest will either be a slave or slowly rot in the mud of despair. Welcome Russia!


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