Hail the unusual!

Oh deary, deary me, poor old Rishi has done it now. He has cancelled the railway to Manchester. You know it as the H2 extension. Well, as far as I am concerned he was absolutely right. Not only that, it was long overdue.Despite the obvious spineless woke assertions from the crazy liberal but mouthy minority, he was right to question the value of just linking large cities to that other country called London. He gave as the reason, which should have been obvious to all and sundry, that it would be much better to look at the complete infrastructure. Good Lord, here we finally seem to have somebody that actually looked at the reality. Take as an example this scenario, you have spent billions and billions on a project that would just help a few thousand people to travel a quarter of an hour shorter so they can stand in a longer queue for the Crown Jewel exhibition in the Tower of London. 

And then we have the railway line called the ‘Centre of Wales’ line which has been hailed as the most scenic railway on Earth, not. The most poor, irregular, rubbish strewn calamity of a railway line. In some cases you would expect some galloping horses next to the train and bandits requesting your jewellery on pain of death. Jesse James is still alive. That is if you ever expected to arrive at your destination without having been transferred halfway into local 1920 taxis. I suppose something like HS2 we will never see in Wales. We are still waiting electrification to the Cardiff-Swansea line. I think that may now well be faster although I don’t believe Wales is the uppermost thought in the dark recesses of the brains in London. Besides the word ‘brains’, you need that to take with a pinch of salt. As was indicated by the words of Rishi Sunak, our PM (but for how much longer no-one knows) it is time to dismantle the ideas and actions of previous governments. He rightly pointed out, or indicated that despite loads of words, there was little action if any. Previous PMs have already jumped up to put up a defence of ‘HS2 was agreed by all’ and ‘Don’t look at me Guv’. David Cameron already has resurfaced from the dungeons. But it is correct, loads of governments have had a tenure of verbal diarrhoea and infighting. Look at the Conservatives over this past year. Or even the few Labour governments. It is virtually the same story. As anyone can see, we have finally ended up with an enormous national debt burden and very little to show for it besides and enormous number of work-shy nobodies, and an increasing number of people who want to join from the rest of the world. One may ask why in all honesty they would want to come here? Just because we speak English? Hmm, or could it be they know they will join the housing market and benefits without questions asked? The only thing we hear more and more, is they were persecuted because they are gay. Well, why not. It is as good as any other answer. So, Rishi, I take my hat off for you. At least you have put a rat in the pigeon loft!


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