My Monday morning rant...aaaah,that's life

It’s a bit of a laugh to see how the policies of various governments come back to bite them in the ar*e. Take Immigration, in particular the failure of containing the boats across the Channel. It has allowed many in that shouldn’t have been allowed to stay. But stay they do, wether hidden or not. Some even get what they call  a visa and so they can work. Some end up on the payroll of TfL (Transport for London). I might have guessed this but someone tell me I am wrong? Data to be supplied please. As such people might be inclined to start chanting slogans to show their real intent or the background from which they come. Now, whether they are brown, white, orange, yellow or even white, does not matter. Buses, trams or trains are no place to start outing your allegiance to some political beliefs or rant about perceived aggravation such as happening in the Middle-East. It is funny because I have not heard about any rants against Ukraine for violating the poor nation called Russia. Or for that matter to dare resisting the might of the social armies. The socialists in this country are also pretty quiet. Did anyone say the glorified BBC is partial? Nooooh, can’t be, can it? Well, from my settee I can smell a rat when I hear one. Perhaps it is time to sack the lot and start again. The same goes for the whole sorry shebang called Artists for Palestine.

So yes, we can make as many policies, have numerous podcasts but in the end if we do not work out how they should work through discovering possible ways and means including working out the legal implications, we will not get anywhere. People in this country ought to start to understand that whatever we think does not matter on the world stage anymore. We are no longer a world power, we might have a few interesting boats, only unfortunately breaking down at the strangest moments. I find it incomprehensible we sent a single aircraft carrier into the South China Sea without making certain everything was ship-shape. Yes, I know, it was supposed to be sea trials but China? Why not the Black Sea and anchoring the whole lot in front of Sevastopol? That would do it. Russia is not in the same league as China and would be a nice easy roll-over. May be we could even have had a chance to land a few storm troopers and blow up a few buildings. Lovely.

Pah, even the Dutch outnumber us in their armed forces. Maybe, they will send another Admiral de Ruyter to invade Chatham and blow up the frigates anchored there. The frigates are anchored because we cannot afford the diesel to run the engines for fear of upping the national debt. Fortunately for us the Dutch have their own problems with illegal immigration. In fact much worse. Well, as was said before, it is alright making wonderful rules, talking about freedom (without actually thinking what it is and how it should work), making policy about having an ‘Open Door’ just because a few farmers wanted lettuce pickers. It is rather striking that all such policies have no impact upon these politicians. They all live way out of the trouble spots, in grand houses with acres all around to safeguard them from prying eyes and invading squirrels. It is us, the down trodden hard working, tax paying idiots who are presented the bill for the stupid errors made by these half-wits. Did I trash the nation's bank account? Did any of us outside of the hallowed rat infested halls on Parliament Square? No? There you go then, that’s where you find the whisky guzzling champagne charlies. You won’t find them in the Rhondda Valleys or the industrial areas of Lancastershire. Just as well, really because we have enough nincompoops already ensconced and hiding as councillors. But I am still alive, just. Just waiting for the next huge increase in Council Tax because the Chief needs a rise.


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