Is humanity performing euthanasia on itself?

Looking at the happenings in the Middle East I wonder how suddenly Hamas, i.e the de-facto army of the so-called Palestinian state, took it upon themselves to invade Israel. It cannot be a coincidence that Russia needed some pressures, not in Ukraine but somewhere else to take away the limelight on them. Where better than the Middle East. I am virtually certain that one way or another there are political shenanigans afoot. What IS Palestine exactly? I know about Bedouins, Arabs and Jews, are these not all one and the same? Sure, there are different religions but if you look very closely there are great similarities. It is stupid of most of us not to notice but three of the most followed religions are all based on the same precedents. So where does the term Palestine come from, I might ask. There was the Ottoman empire, and prior to that the Roman. Prior to that Alexander rampaged through the area. Prior to that we had Egyptians, Hittites and God knows what else. Even monkeys held sway for a time I suppose. There does not seem to occur a Palestine anywhere.

The whole issue just stinks of human hypocrisy. Also, why are Jews so persecuted? It is beyond comprehension. During the 1940’s and somewhat earlier the Nazis made it their vow to exterminate all Jews, why? Do they smell, eat children perhaps? That the aforementioned Palestinians bear a grudge I can understand. They have been pushed from pillar to post and not just by Israel. They are not wanted in all of the bordering nations. 

I do not really follow world politics but it seems to me we all need to take a few steps back. It ought to be obvious to all and sundry that the Internet, increasing populations, global warming and changes in the climate patterns are going to play a rather large role in the near future. It would be better if our leaders started thinking more along those lines. The facts are simple to understand, we will not be able to do anything about nature, in other words climate change will carry on, we also seem to be unable to control population increases. We cannot even control the excesses that the Internet has brought. So, we should take urgent steps to address these important issues because these as mentioned by others as well, do actually threaten humanity. More so, if not attended to might even signal our extinction as a species. Let us not think that such a thing will not happen, that we are too clever. Let me state that in my opinion, nature is unbeatable. Not only that, it is of an unforgiving nature. If we just merrily carry on as we are, nature will shrug its shoulders and also carry on regardless. The only thing is, we might not like what it will do!

It is the reason why I believe all the present strife, Ukraine, the Middle East, Mexico/South America whilst a result of increasing populations and also the movement of peoples from the ‘hot’ areas to colder areas, known as emigration/immigration should be dealt with as a matter of urgency. In the 21st century, surely, we cannot really justify wars and insurrections on this scale. The posturing of leaders, dictators and also elected leaders need looking at and dealt with. We do not want to end up as has been depicted in some books as well as film, where we end up compacted in types of glass houses and undergo a lottery who will have to die to keep the space for new humans. Or that any human cannot be older than 65 and will undergo forced euthanasia. I hope I will be gone upwards before that happens – at 95 hopefully!


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