The Nightmare at Christmas? Hmmm...

Wondering this morning after I have got up out of bed, a bit later than usual as it is Saturday and listening to the awful reporting that the BBC calls News, I wondered about the world. Thinking about it, what is the end of the world really going to be like? Will it be South Sea beaches fringed with coconut palms and frisky maidens dancing with flower ribbons to be put around everyone’s neck? Or will it be the nightmare called Gaza? Or even more, like what we see in Scotland and other areas with the weather. So, some might say, so what, these things are normal. They have happened before and will happen again. Yes, that might well be true in some respects. But we should hasten to add, ‘Will happen much more frequently’! Might I add that all the aforementioned cases will increase? Because the overpopulation of habitable areas will continue unabated. Linked to that will be the ever increasing consumption of available resources. Unfortunately these resources have an end-of-life label attached. Already the metals used in all sorts of manufacturing processes are becoming scarce. They were scarce already in the first instance, like cobalt or lithium but you can see where we’re going. I think viewing the mindset of humanity, its aggression, its intolerance then there can only be one outcome. That outcome will be ten time worse than what is happening now in Gaza and Ukraine. You must excuse me but may I add also that basically nature or rather Nature (with a capital) is supreme. The planet is simply built this way, we use up everything and then what? Competition rules say, the strongest will win but in the case of humans who have learned that weapons do help a weaker opponent to survive much longer or even win a skirmish, the situation is less clear. As indeed you can notice in Gaza and also the Ukraine. The end result will still be the same, utter destruction of the spaces we all need to exist. Over and above all of that is the fact that due to lifestyles, the climate has and is still altering. This to accommodate the increased heat that must be dispersed. Whether this increased heat is because of CO2 production which ALL living beings produce and humans do in ever increasing quantities or whether this is due to the Sun because it is getting older becoming bigger and so hotter, I will leave to be argued over by eminent professors. But put these two things together and you will note the most likely outcome of the equation. The starting pistol has been fired. We are halfway to the finish line. And as is becoming clear, there is really no way back. Even if we rebuild Gaza, stop all manufacturing processes, capture CO2 by the millions of tonnes it would take hundreds if not thousands of years to get back to what the world was like before humans tread their path of destruction. It has been said before, if a species outgrow their niche (space) they are on the way to extinction. Or at least a decimation of numbers pending their capacity to solve problems and adapt. That will depend on their physical strength and ingenuity.

Indeed, sorry to have got out of bed with the wrong foot first but there you go, the signs are not good. It is also the reason why I and loads of others, have a jaundiced eye on politicians. Instead of addressing the real problems, they tinker, and are more interested in party political advantage or their own! Indeed, power is everything. Are you beginning to see the real problem?


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