
Any good dictators around?

Some days are dull, you know it when the skies are grey and drizzle falls . Other days are sunny and one can sit in the garden or on the balcony. Then we have other days that are just a bit of both but interesting because of some news. Today, apparently poor Donald (of the Trump fame) was targeted again. But on this occasion can I smell a rat somewhere? There isn’t a lot known, apparently there was an older guy in bushes at some golf course where Trump was playing or due to play. If it is all true then yes, it is a bad day for democracy but I cannot help but think someone in Trump’s entourage has thought how popular the presidential candidate was after the first assassination attempt. And because it seems the other candidate, the fiery Kamala seems to be running away with the flowers. Indeed, the Americans have become much more aggressively involved in politics. As a respondent on the BBC News Channel said, it seems like the 1930’s period all over again. That is when 4 nations were sub

Have you seen the black hole yet? Let me know if you did..

It so sad to continually have to listen to Labour’s mantra – ‘There is a £22billion black hole left by the Cons’ . Sorry people but it is a lot of absolute tosh! First of all I’d like to know who thought that one up and give him,or her the Pulitzer price for the best lie of the year. Almost everyday you will hear this, on TV on Radio and Keir Starmer has the note written on his coat. He even pronounced it on the plane whilst travelling to the US. I just hope Biden will be awake to listen to it and marvel! What a shower. Frankly, there is no explanation bar saying ‘just shut it people’. There is no black hole although there has been a black hole in the finances since the year when King William invaded at Hastings. All governments keep borrowing and borrowing like there is no tomorrow. This was highlighted by some busybody at some think-tank who declared that this country will need to raise taxes by £40billion every decade to get the national debt under control. Yes, you heard it, that’

Something in two...? Rhywbeth mewn dau...?

Although I was born in the Netherlands but have lived in Wales for most of the time, I feel Celtic inside and out. Ca i fy ngeni yn yr Iseldiroedd ond wedi byw yng Nhgymru. Gwych, wrth gwrs ond yn anffodus does dim llawer o bobl lleol yma siaradwch yr iaith! Hefyd dydyn nhw dim yn gwybod am ei hanes! Hanes Celtaidd. The fight for existence, first between tribes, Romans, Saxons and now the overbearing English. Slowly our character is diluted to such an extent that the word Welsh, Cymraeg no longer has any meaning. Mae’n drist iawn! It’s fine to have a few pints on a rugby match day, especially against the English but it’s not enough! Si ŵ r, byddwn ni’n hapus, os dyn ni’n ennill y g ê m, dim ond g ê m ydyw, on’d yw hi? Yn y cyfamser mae’r llywodraeth yng Nghaerdydd yn dawnsio ar ô l gorchmynion San Steffan. The Welsh government needs to be independent from Westminster, perhaps in a form of federalism (ffedraliaeth) since as we are together on a small island, defence needs to be share

Plenty of energy around. Drill a hole down Mr Milliband...

Politics is quite the funny business isn’t it? No? Well, reading Julia Hartley-Brewer's article in the Sun's (6/9/24) newspaper will put you right immediately. Here we have the inimitable Ed Milliband, yes him of the ‘I’m the leader’ furore of the 2015 debacle, professing to ‘lead’ the gallop to net-zero by 2030. As Julia rightly states, what in all blazes does Ed know about energy? Correct, as much as myself. In other words, nothing, bar putting a plug into a socket. I am beginning to worry by ditching the Cons we have elected a cabal of even bigger incompetents. Led by the ‘I want to be PM’ Keir KC Starmer. Then Ms Rayner, another nobody in charge of housing. Well, by all accounts she knows a bit about how to profit from it. Then a new Education Secretary who thinks it is an excellent idea to teach four-year olds about sex. Why not the just born then? Dearie me, we are getting slow arn’t we? Also Ms Reeves seemingly struggling with why she wanted to kill off every pensioner.

Are we awake or what?

Virtue signalling keeps going and is a growing pastime in good old Britain. The Labour party, which as we know, owns the fount of wisdom has decided to cut 10% of the export licences of armaments to Israel. Mr Lammy, if he gets his way, will keep trying to ban the rest. Israel, a small country by any standards – just about 8.5m sq.miles and a population of some 10 millions is just trying to defend itself against an unholy cabal intend to flatten the place and exterminate the Jewish population. All just out of the Nazi book of ‘How to Govern J ustly’. It might be funny to say, I have visited Israel and was blown away at how people can transform a desert! Industrious and being well aware of their history. Comparing that to Arab history, well were to begin? The problem is that all of history, certainly across the temperate regions humanity has been at some war or other. Initially just to establish a tribe somewhere new. Possibly due to natural calamities or over-populating living space

Financial woes? Believe it....

D e spite wonderful assurances of ‘Labour has changed’, the opposite is true. Lately the mask has slipped. No more smoking, kill the pensioners of cold because we rather pay exorbitant wage claims and furthermore, don’t believe them when they chortle on about ‘Stopping the Boats’. They will not because the mantra said some time ago by the messiah Blair about ‘ We open the borders and they will stay open’, is s till in force. Ah well, told you so but frankly what choice have us lowly citizens got? It was either the warring Cons or the lying Trots. Anyone thinking Starmer is the messiah? Forget it, he is redder than red! Companies have smelled the rat under the floorboards as well and are moving out. Don’t believe me? Go to Holland (the Netherlands) just across the water. There are more English companies there than ever and are still coming.  So, thanks to Labour with their tax grabbing antics we will soon all stand in the queue for a cuppa-soup. There was a question on X (the old Twitte

Educational woes?

Now that most of the GCSE’s are over, we may safely say, Wales was a disaster. Actually the whole of the UK was a disaster. For untold years now Labour run councils and others have meddled in education. The results are dour but today the woke brigade have got their mildew mittens into it. To be fair the handling of the Covid shutdowns by the Conservatives viz Boris Partyman Johnson led by even dimmer medics did not do much good for education. Actually it collapsed. A very fair question needs asking – Where will our scientists come from? Or are we all going to become mediocre artists? Well, I suppose selling crap will still give a tax return. But who will be able to afford it? Even my own family, those who are teachers are beginning to say, the system has collapsed. Estyn are not proper investigators anymore but early retired head-teachers out for an easy retirement. Obviously, there are still some well-informed proper thinking teachers but these can now be counted on the fingers of