Have you seen the black hole yet? Let me know if you did..

It so sad to continually have to listen to Labour’s mantra – ‘There is a £22billion black hole left by the Cons’. Sorry people but it is a lot of absolute tosh! First of all I’d like to know who thought that one up and give him,or her the Pulitzer price for the best lie of the year. Almost everyday you will hear this, on TV on Radio and Keir Starmer has the note written on his coat. He even pronounced it on the plane whilst travelling to the US. I just hope Biden will be awake to listen to it and marvel! What a shower. Frankly, there is no explanation bar saying ‘just shut it people’. There is no black hole although there has been a black hole in the finances since the year when King William invaded at Hastings. All governments keep borrowing and borrowing like there is no tomorrow. This was highlighted by some busybody at some think-tank who declared that this country will need to raise taxes by £40billion every decade to get the national debt under control. Yes, you heard it, that’s responsible government for you. You think your retirement will be OK, nice and warm and possibly even in your own property? Forget it, we will not be able to afford to put the heating on at all. We will be dependent here on someone or other to harness the collected water from the now closed mines. Pumped up and direct to our homes? Yes, but the water temperature is only just above the 10 degrees Celsius? Who thought that one up? Another university whizz kid? What do they teach there nowadays? Is there a degree now in Wokery?

We may well ask a question, why are we in Britain so idiotic? Is it something that we must do now because we no longer have the Empire to keep us busy. We can no longer send our petty thieves to Australia which is very sad because the Aussies just love ‘m. We do no longer bother to send our armies all over the world knocking on every door – or rather kicking them in – and declare them to be citizens of Great Britain and to be sucked dry.

The starry-eyed PM Starmer has a glint in his eye already and put more Brylcreem in his hair.

Then we have the new Chancellor, the steely-eyed Ms Reeves. Perhaps it was her who advised the PM about that lovely black hole. Except she was talking about her household finances. No wonder she needed to claim those thousands, they were needed to pay the interest charge for the day. Blimey what a shower for a government. To be fair I too wanted the Cons out, they had lost all credibility and needed a decade to rebuild but oh my I didn’t think Labour was as shallow as that. Nothing new, just sound bites. Did we really think the boats would be tackled? We haven’t a navy anymore, just a few crappy old boats chugging along. Someone pointed at the brand new carriers. Yes, I saw them too, in port being repaired. Apparently it is reported they have a running contract, one month at sea, then eleven months in dock. I really wonder how much our national debt will be in 2030 with all the hoohaah about net-zero. But please look in your wallet and spend it now because Reeves is eyeing it.


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