Daily musings about - Who will it be?

Perhaps the Tories deserved what they got – an major electoral defeat. But there is no better thing to re-align thinking, to become again aligned with the reality on the ground. It seems to be a problem with all political parties that have been in power for a long time, the infighting, the jockeying for power. So, listening to some reality is good for the soul, or so they say. Kemi Badenoch seems to hit the nail on the head. The Cons have been talking and talking and more talking. I suppose it’s what politicians do but surely we as electors should expect some concrete results from all the talk? For years now we have know the problem of the boats. The criminals operating the system and the results locally on the ground. Yet the problem instead of being solved has just grown worse. We should ask, must ask, what did our governments do? Answer – just talk or rather – nothing. 

But Ms Badenoch has hit the nail on the head, she said something that I also have said, "We cannot be naïve and assume immigrants will automatically abandon ancestral ethnic hostilities at the border, or that all cultures are equally valid. They are not. It is our job to make sure that the people who come into the country are people who love this country, who want it to succeed." She also mentioned, “Too many who are coming here, hate Israel”. Perhaps a wide meaning but I take it to be, Muslim terrorists. Or rather those who have political beliefs at odds with western values. As indeed I have mentioned quite a number of times, we are allowing people to come who have no idea at all about western values, our political systems and are here for a particular reason. There are those who come to better their lives but have problems assimilating. There is basically no help here bar some financial subsidies. Then there are those who are intent on changing the system altogether. In words I have alluded to before, turn our lands into the sh*t hole like the sh*t hole they came from.

So, best of luck to Ms Badenoch, I hope she will be one of the two to be elected to face the final hurdle.

One thing though to be considered, is she capable of browbeating the hypocrite Prime Minister? It shouldn’t be too difficult but you would need a steel backbone and a I don’t care attitude. Plus not to be afraid to be unpopular. Although you would not want to be unpopular because of actions that smell a bit like accepting loads of freebies. In the meantime she should keep her distance from the backbiting which is still a big problem. If and when chosen she should immediately set up a opposition cabinet with new people. Forget the likes of Boris and ensure to appoint faithful people and warn all if any shenanigans or averse comments, out you go. It’ll do for starters.


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