Plenty of energy around. Drill a hole down Mr Milliband...

Politics is quite the funny business isn’t it? No? Well, reading Julia Hartley-Brewer's article in the Sun's (6/9/24) newspaper will put you right immediately. Here we have the inimitable Ed Milliband, yes him of the ‘I’m the leader’ furore of the 2015 debacle, professing to ‘lead’ the gallop to net-zero by 2030. As Julia rightly states, what in all blazes does Ed know about energy? Correct, as much as myself. In other words, nothing, bar putting a plug into a socket. I am beginning to worry by ditching the Cons we have elected a cabal of even bigger incompetents. Led by the ‘I want to be PM’ Keir KC Starmer. Then Ms Rayner, another nobody in charge of housing. Well, by all accounts she knows a bit about how to profit from it. Then a new Education Secretary who thinks it is an excellent idea to teach four-year olds about sex. Why not the just born then? Dearie me, we are getting slow arn’t we? Also Ms Reeves seemingly struggling with why she wanted to kill off every pensioner. Yes, you know about the £20billion black hole don’t you? No? Me, neither.

Good Lord, why do we have to have all of this? Where are the proper politicians? Where are those that want to govern properly and know about the things they want to achieve? And have properly researched their subjects, and know what they are talking about? Instead of having been saddled with people who cannot even eat a bacon sandwich without causing a spectacle. Sorry readers, we are still saddled with people after a well-paid job who have no problem with switching ideas just so they can keep up with the woke fraternity which has elected them as a MP. I know, the days of Churchill et al, are now long gone. Yes, he liked a snort or two before dinner and after dinner but at least he had a backbone and ideas about how to get things done. Now we are saddled with too many politicians who play the grandstanding card and have no problems with switching their ideas to conform to the latest fads.

It is OK nowadays to let off thousands of prisoners because by all accounts the jails are full and we have to find room for all the idiots who dared to protest. It is fair to mention that this is not the problem originating from the new Labour government. It is a legacy of the Conservatives who let things badly slip during their tenure. However, we might have thought Labour could have come up with some innovative ideas rather than emptying the jails? It is really just showing that there are basically no differences between Labs and Cons. A politician is just a politician, an emanation that looks like a human but which evolution decided does not need brains since they would never use them. As such, us the people who pay their wages, we will have to suffer the increased violence and a crime wave. But not to worry, the no-brainers are just fine, sitting in their green leather seats pontificating about their next move to make all our lives more difficult. Sure, have a nice life when you can, losers.


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