Some reality check needed, people?

It is amazing how the situation in the world develops from time to time. I was watching the news this morning on our hallowed BBC News channel  still wondering why I pay for a TV Licence and learned that Keir Starmer QC had breakfast or lunch or dinner with Trump accompanied by the all-singing, all-dancing Foreign Secretary, the irascible Mr Lammy. That despite this wunderkind’s verbal outbursts against Trump, made in the recent past. But let us not worry about that. What we should worry about is Starmer’s edict about the immediate ceasefire in Lebanon. Now, I am well aware what devastation the bombing does to the local population. But surely our politicians know what is at stake? Even I can see it is a fight for the right of Israel to exist, and exist in peace. Let’s take this scenario – suddenly Mexico thinks it should have a go at the US because it has built a wall on the border stopping all legitimate transport of goods and people. This is done by a grouping of illegals. What do you think the US would do? Ask politely for a ceasefire? Would Starmer start pontificating how these dastardly Americans behave? Or how about the rather large number of Muslims in France having formed a political grouping and also are able to send rockets over the Channel to pound London? How would we, should we react? WE, in the western world, have forgotten the reality of the human psyche. The search for power and influence still rules us. WE think we control it but we don’t. The Muslim world is on a quest for power and influence, in fact the top hierarchy seems intent on subjugating the western world through a slow process of infiltrating our institutions. The Saudi Arabians do it through money, buying up property and industrial organisations, businesses and more. The Iranians have taken a more aggressive stand. WE need to look at how that world is threatening us and take appropriate steps to counter it.

On top of all that we also have to seriously counter the global warming issue. As our wonderful new PM said ‘It fuels the immigration of peoples across the world’. Or words to that effect. But he is at least correct, as the world warms up the air can and will hold vastly more moisture and in temperate climes will release that moisture as rain, hail or snow. It will also facilitate the formation of storms, even as tornadoes or hurricanes. We are all together basically destroying our own home. Despite wonderful words uttered by our politicians, they do not really understand the basic issue. That is everything depends on something else. Everything is intimately related. We might think we rule nature, but the fact is nature rules us, and not just us but all existence. More so, it takes its own time.

We talk about overpopulation; well, we are 8billion strong. That’s not a lot viewing the size of the planet unless you start thinking most of it is water (71%!) on which we cannot build homes. Also there are many places unsuitable, deserts for instance or the polar regions. In fact 8billion of us have to live on only 10% of the planet space. Also half of the world’s habitable land is used for agriculture. The extensive land use for agriculture also has a major impact on the planet’s environment as it reduces wilderness and threatens biodiversity. I just wonder how many politicians know about these facts and better, understand them. As we see, there is really not much space at all.


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