Freebies galore... Where?

And the freebies keep rolling on. We might think we elected a wonderful new government, socially adept and what happens? No change baby! The freebies keep turning up and are gratefully accepted by our wonderful governing elite. It wouldn’t be so bad if their earnings were on a par with those of most of us. You know, in the region of £24-£32,000 per year. But these elite will never learn as they feel themselves superior to the working man and woman. They think they fully deserve their £150,000 per year plus allowed freebies like housing and drinks to name a few, plus the others that are basically a sign of corruption! Did anyone think that Indian nabob gave all these clothes without expecting something in return? And then you hear a squeeky voice saying, No, No, he did it because of his high standards and those we share. He expressed his gratitude for our consistent financial acumen. Oh yeah, I saw a pig flying over the Rhondda, I heard the sonic boom! There was a condensation trail but it could have been it was frying because of the air resistance. Nice bit of bacon, that. Air-frying to a new level. Friends, when will it end? When are we going to get rid of this stupid elite?

More pigs flying over the Rhondda? Well, there will be soon because we do have a disproportionate number of very poor and sick people. True, not all of those are genuine, some are shirkers, people that hate work and are leeches on society cashing in on any benefit they can get their hands on. Here in Wales we are the poorest part of the UK, we might wonder why as we have had a Labour regional government since Jesus walked the Earth. I hope the Sais (English) have a look at how good it can be, not! Overall, I think the governing elite have lost touch with the working man and woman. They seem to be a population all by themselves and working hard to eliminate those that they see as a hindrance. Especially now highlighted by the impending tax machinations to come, plans being discussed to fleece the pensioners. May I point out here that those who have worked hard and trusted the elite to look after their well-being are now being faced with a withdrawal of what they thought was helping their retirement. Savings, inheritance amongst many others, free buspasses likely to be judged on your savings or other income. Yet these are things we have earned, those who have worked. Yet today we see these things squandered on the work-shy and immigrants who never paid into the system. Come to the UK, welcome, here’s your house and don’t forget to sign on at the local welfare office for your salary. No, you do not have to work but it would help if you could lift carrots from the acres. It pays well, £8.00 for the day and free coffee. I know, I am irreverent but then I work and am lucky enough to be able to be independent and saving within a good, properly funded pension scheme. I have to add, I am not specifically against immigration, I am against uncontrolled immigration. Which is what I believe I heard from Sir K. Starmer K.C but he changed his mind I think, helped by Yvette Cooper. As it is we cannot be the  fall-guys  and be responsible for the rest of the planet. Finally, ask yourselves this question, why do immigrants want to come to Western Europe and a good 80% profess a wish to get to the UK, why? I think you know the answer as well as I do. But it has escaped the elite because they do not stop their lives of drinking gin and tonics (free!) in their country retreats. Their mantra is simple – After me, the deluge! In the meantime long live the freebies!


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