Something in two...? Rhywbeth mewn dau...?

Although I was born in the Netherlands but have lived in Wales for most of the time, I feel Celtic inside and out. Ca i fy ngeni yn yr Iseldiroedd ond wedi byw yng Nhgymru. Gwych, wrth gwrs ond yn anffodus does dim llawer o bobl lleol yma siaradwch yr iaith! Hefyd dydyn nhw dim yn gwybod am ei hanes! Hanes Celtaidd. The fight for existence, first between tribes, Romans, Saxons and now the overbearing English. Slowly our character is diluted to such an extent that the word Welsh, Cymraeg no longer has any meaning. Mae’n drist iawn! It’s fine to have a few pints on a rugby match day, especially against the English but it’s not enough! Siŵr, byddwn ni’n hapus, os dyn ni’n ennill y gêm, dim ond gêm ydyw, on’d yw hi? Yn y cyfamser mae’r llywodraeth yng Nghaerdydd yn dawnsio ar ôl gorchmynion San Steffan.

The Welsh government needs to be independent from Westminster, perhaps in a form of federalism (ffedraliaeth) since as we are together on a small island, defence needs to be shared, as well as relations with other countries. Ond ar wahân i hynny, byddwn yn annibynnol. Bydd gofyn i'r ysgolion addysgu'r Gymraeg fel yr iaith gyntaf, Saesneg fel dewis, efallai fel yr ail iaith. Mae'r un peth yn wir am Ffrangeg neu Isalmaeneg. Fe dylai fod amlwg erbyn hyn, bod ein gymdeithas yn newid yn gyflym. Diolch i’n dwy lywodraeth, Caerdydd a San Steffan am fethu â rheoli ymfudiad. Yn gwanhau ‘Cymreictod’ ac hanes Celtaidd.

It seems to be all about inclusivity without actually doing anything about it. There is no attempt to enforce integration, people are just left to do their ‘thing’ whatever it is. Hence the reality of ghettoes. This now happens in all western European nations. In Wales we should start asking – What is the rationale? Has the government any idea at all bar kowtowing to the vociferous militant community? I didn’t vote for ad-hoc development. Certainly not development without any consideration at all for proper infrastructure and services. I didn’t vote for the unbridled installation of wind turbines all over the place without any consideration for the environment. We are constantly told how well it is all going, we care for the environment. The sad truth is we cannot really do that. We bring many more or simply allow them to be moved, putting more strain on over-used services. Viz NHS et al.

Mae’n drist Mae Plaid Lafur wedi bod mewn grym yng Nghymru am amser hir heb canlyniadau o’r polisîau gwnaethom ni bleidleisio drostynt. Sylwch y rheol ugain milltir yr awr? Wnes i ddim bleidleisio dros hynny chwaith. Annwyl Arglwydd cynhorthwych ni!

Cymru am byth, Celtiaid yn gyntaf ac yn bennaf!


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