Are we awake or what?

Virtue signalling keeps going and is a growing pastime in good old Britain. The Labour party, which as we know, owns the fount of wisdom has decided to cut 10% of the export licences of armaments to Israel. Mr Lammy, if he gets his way, will keep trying to ban the rest.

Israel, a small country by any standards – just about 8.5m sq.miles and a population of some 10 millions is just trying to defend itself against an unholy cabal intend to flatten the place and exterminate the Jewish population. All just out of the Nazi book of ‘How to Govern Justly’. It might be funny to say, I have visited Israel and was blown away at how people can transform a desert! Industrious and being well aware of their history. Comparing that to Arab history, well were to begin? The problem is that all of history, certainly across the temperate regions humanity has been at some war or other. Initially just to establish a tribe somewhere new. Possibly due to natural calamities or over-populating living space and reducing resources. We could ask ourselves was it any different with the Jews? No, and neither with the Arabs. The Arabic peoples also just went on the road to conquest and still are. Throughout all of this you see the striving for influence and through that conquest. Even the western sphere (USA, UK, EU plus Canada, Australia and New Zealand) does this. Note, here is not mentioned the Russian incursion into Ukraine because that is the typical Mongol rampage, destroy, kill everything in front of you. But in the end it is the same, a quest for land and power.

So, now we have the new UK government virtue signalling its intentions which most probably will upset all our allies. Despite our Sec of Defence, yes I have never seen the old resurrected guy either, trying to defend the instructions from the Foreign Office? Mind you, we have some luminaries now in government falling over themselves to be the woke champion of virtue. And there is me thinking it could not have been worse after the Conservative government but there you go, we learn something new every day! In all of this the stately very masculine looking PM strides purposefully all around saying absolutely nothing. His lips tightly clasped, his steely looking eyes gazing into the far distance seeing the Promised Land. Except he has forgotten to tell his Foreign Sec. Ah, it is a wonderful time in government, kill the pensioners, that’ll save billions of welfare, chop all inheritances in three equal bits and keep two-thirds and let’s not forget to charge everybody who made more than an extra penny when selling something. That’ll do for starters. We will be the envy of the world!

It is sad, despite the acid tone of the above, to have to ask, where in all truth are we going? What is the political rationale in all of this? Why in a country that has so much to go for it, have we ended up like a struggling rat? Once we we were the great innovators, but today we are more concerned how to call a woman a woman or whether it is a woman or a cat. Where have we gone so wrong? I am not sure where the answer lies, it could be our universities, it could be our wonderful political system. Or even both. Then perhaps we might blame ourselves as well for allowing all of it. Us being the great ‘silent majority’. So, let’s wake ourselves up and be no longer silent. But leave the weapons at home, there will be no need for the old ways of bloodshed. After all this is 2024, not 650AD.

Finally, sorry about this. Seemingly a rant but I have just woken up after a bit of a nightmare. George Galloway was Prime Minister.


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