Some interesting finance? You bet...

Humans like myself have for quite some time talked about how people change when they get elected and become a politician. I am convinced that prior to the election they are fully charged (as they say) with a fervour that states ‘I am going to change the world and will make much better financial decisions than the present lot, vote for me is a vote for prosperity’! Except of course that actually never happens. We, the voters, have something I call 'Eternal hope', we hope things will improve. However looking at the UK situation we see we have just exchanged one set of charlatans for another. Despite the weasel words mentioned here about making a better financial regime, it turns out it is the old, old way, just increase taxes. Instead of having a strong look at how society should be, ought to be, and change certain aspects of it like how we should be as a nation, how to bring the national debt under control without increasing taxes. Plus ensure all have a good understanding how our way of living impacts the climate and other natural standards such as wildlife. Instead we just merrily carry on destroying our own environment through over-population, and irresponsible treatment of land and water. 

Well, it is worse than ever – from the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) – the UK general government gross debt was £2,223 billion at the end of March 2021, equivalent to 103.7% of gross domestic product (GDP). Thus £2.3 trillion. But more telling is our income across the line as a nation (taxes etc) is not covering that figure. It is fair to point out it is not all Labour’s fault, this is entirely due to the Conservatives and their mismanagement of the economy. Or rather the non-existence of any management at all. In only 8 years the percentage increase -from 85% of GDP to 103% of GDP is absolutely astonishing. We do hear it was COVID and yes it was a costly over the top reaction to a possible pandemic. It seems to have escaped every politician that increased populations in the world generally makes it more than probable that diseases can easily get established and increase. This will be happening more and more in the future. But it just cannot have been COVID on its own.

But to keep things within the UK, we must have a look at our way of living. The question of the finance vacuum cleaner, the NHS, it needs a very hard look at how this is financed, how it ought to be at point of deliverance and make decisions accordingly. To just keep saying ‘We will put more billions into the NHS’ is just a recipe for national insolvency.

Should we build more and more houses. Has anyone looked at demographic indices and tried to figure out why people move, birthrates and where, land use etc? Or as I have mentioned is it just haphazard on the spot decision making? To be fair we have a rather large Civil Service, in fact it is some 500,000 making it I believe, the largest employer in the UK. Coupled with bodies that are entirely funded by the government, NHS for instance, we begin to see the absurdly high cost of governing the UK. In fact we no longer bring in enough money to pay for it all. This Civil Service, has its talons into the government, so the question of whether its advisory capacity is on par needs looking into. By all accounts the salary bill is gigantic, the question is, is it value for money?

Many questions, very few answers. I am one of those wondering how people like Starmer think. What moves him, what are his ‘real’ views. Throw out the ‘I am a socialist’ crap and what is left? Well, reading the national newspapers we have a rampant hypocrite elected as PM. Apparently he's already had more freebies than any other! Even Boris has not been up to that level and he was the butt of Keir's ire. Well, did we really expect anything else? Every politician, sitting or hoping to gain the freebie rostrum, should be asked 'Are you a freebie hypocrite'? That question must be asked whilst attached to a lie detector.


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