Any good dictators around?

Some days are dull, you know it when the skies are grey and drizzle falls . Other days are sunny and one can sit in the garden or on the balcony. Then we have other days that are just a bit of both but interesting because of some news. Today, apparently poor Donald (of the Trump fame) was targeted again. But on this occasion can I smell a rat somewhere? There isn’t a lot known, apparently there was an older guy in bushes at some golf course where Trump was playing or due to play. If it is all true then yes, it is a bad day for democracy but I cannot help but think someone in Trump’s entourage has thought how popular the presidential candidate was after the first assassination attempt. And because it seems the other candidate, the fiery Kamala seems to be running away with the flowers. Indeed, the Americans have become much more aggressively involved in politics. As a respondent on the BBC News Channel said, it seems like the 1930’s period all over again. That is when 4 nations were subjected to a take-over by the ultra right – Germany, Japan, Spain and Italy. When people generally speaking, having suffered the economics downturn of the 1929 Wall Street crash, put their trust in demagogues like Hitler and Mussolini promising a return to prosperity. Funny as it worked for a short time. Germany became a powerhouse again. Unfortunately it all went pear shaped, power, absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is perhaps a lesson we should re-visit. Especially since we see the struggles with the Russian Federation. Again, it seems there are strange forces at work. Firstly, by all accounts Russia is not what it used to be, led by a megalomaniac and his henchmen. Nevertheless it has a nuclear arsenal. Perhaps in some poor state and a lot will not work but some will. We should not want to find out whether it is true or not. But I have felt for a while that America plays a game of double standards. Weapons are expensive, the US pays billions if not trillions and employment in weapon's manufacture is high. If the British model is anything to go by, where politicians have chosen the ‘Easy’ road and due to the generally held opinion that we ‘are at peace and will be forever’ have allowed the armed forces to be so depleted as to have become pretty non-effective. We still send the occasional frigate around the world to show the flag and a few pelotons to bolster the East Europeans but that’s about it. But America will not do that and in order to safeguard its weakening economy needs an enemy. It is rather funny but as Russia’s stature has weakened, up has jumped China as Enemy Numero Uno. Thus safeguarding the US’ position. However, looking at its national debt, there is a price to pay! Not only that but can the US keep it under control? Only God knows and hopefully Kamala will as well. Trump himself will be bad news for the economy as most would-be dictators are. Yes, I said it, dictators. There is no difference between Trump’s actions and words we heard from the likes of Mussolini. Did I say democracy stood on the platform ready for being executed by hanging? Let’s ensure that will not happen. At the same time let’s re-invigorate the political process and ditch the ‘two-party’ model. But more-so let’s ensure we will get the right people, well informed and properly educated. In today’s complex technological world there is no place on the hallowed green leather benches for someone who thinks he or she can rule the world by just talking the talk. So, let’s get on with it then.


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