Educational woes?

Now that most of the GCSE’s are over, we may safely say, Wales was a disaster. Actually the whole of the UK was a disaster. For untold years now Labour run councils and others have meddled in education. The results are dour but today the woke brigade have got their mildew mittens into it. To be fair the handling of the Covid shutdowns by the Conservatives viz Boris Partyman Johnson led by even dimmer medics did not do much good for education. Actually it collapsed. A very fair question needs asking – Where will our scientists come from? Or are we all going to become mediocre artists? Well, I suppose selling crap will still give a tax return. But who will be able to afford it? Even my own family, those who are teachers are beginning to say, the system has collapsed. Estyn are not proper investigators anymore but early retired head-teachers out for an easy retirement. Obviously, there are still some well-informed proper thinking teachers but these can now be counted on the fingers of my left-hand. All Directors of Education within the Labour councils are basically just pen-pushers trousering nearly 200 grand, producing thousands of pages of directives no-one needs. Repairs takes years to be done as all the money of the education budget is spent on salaries for the education dept officers and quangos like Estyn. Whatever money is left, might end up in the pockets of those companies providing supply-teachers. I know it sounds like a disaster and yeah, it is. Also because now due to the aftermath of Covid standards have fallen quite astonishingly, plus to remedy the situation they have also downgraded subjects. Even worse, pupils are now ‘pushed’ towards non-academic subjects. More Home Economy less Physics.

I suppose viewing the Labour government in Wales and now the whole of the UK, the amount of well-paid jobs available has also gone down. As a result we see Welsh graduates serving as baristas or home-helpers. One could say there is nothing wrong with such work and obviously there isn’t, but good enough for those few possibly highly qualified scientists to be?

One might begin thinking that our various governments have no particular interest in educating people to a high standard. We rather have low-paid no-gooders that can be controlled. Except it never quite works out like that. It is a fact that a significant number of people, if not all, cannot be controlled to the extent governments wish. Even totalitarian nations, and we know who they are, have problems with control. On the surface it seems great, but looking closer and we see an enormous black market coupled with extremely high criminality. In a nutshell, this will happen in any totalitarian state and it is something we need to guard against. Already, two weeks in power and Labour is pushing the ‘Control’ button. It still seems to escape people’s notions that government control stymies development and commerce. Obviously, there have to be some safeguards because even though I was advocating it, one cannot entirely trust commercial endeavour either.

Altogether we just must ensure our standards do not slip, that we educate our young people to the best of their and our capabilities. It will cost, there is a cost with every human endeavour. The price needs paying. On top of that we need to discover, even re-discover the best way of doing so. Remembering this mantra – ‘There is no such thing as a free lunch!’


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