Step up, anyone who knows what's going on...

Hundreds of people arrested, dearie dearie me, what are they going to do with them all? I know, the Outer Hebrides are nice at this time of the year. Has anyone got a clue what our brilliant government is about? I am sorry to have to say this but what university did they go to? What did they learn bar partying? Somehow or other I think all political party set-ups need a complete rethink. More so, most people aspiring to a political career need re-programming. Somehow or other the idea that politicians should serve the people, all the people of the nation must resurface. Think of Keir Hardie, he did not worry about side issues, he was set upon improving the lives of working people. Providing jobs to get out of the stinking bits left over from the Victorian era, his example starting the Labour party. He might have been difficult to live with but that in the end happens with determined people. Some good things come out of Scotland! But today and not just today as it has gone on for some time, to be a politician is seen as a nice cushy job. Nice stipend, nice pension, free this, free that. I am sorry to say this again, but we are suffering from a particular after effect. It is the idea that we matter in this world. That we somehow still have an empire. A smallish island like Britain still thinks it has influence in the world. Well, from people abroad I know, I can tell us here, we don’t! What do our coveted leaders do? Go cap in hand to New York to beg for money. Obviously our Chancellor needs pocket money. There is none in the UK. The Conservatives left it as they found it after Liam emptied the cash till.

Anyone still thinking we are led by lions? Well, from my point of view the lions have metamorphosed into donkeys. The problem is the donkeys still think they have fangs. Sad? Sure is. The way this is all going will probably put Elon Musk’s prediction about Britain heading for civil war true. It does not have to be like that. Brits are not particularly fond of civil unrest but when a deplorable set of politicians so blatantly do not know why they are in Westminster then all bets are off? Is the Labour government so blind? The Conservatives were not blind, they were cowards closing their eyes and walked away. That’s the reason they were chopped but we hoped though that Labour with all their promises of a new dawn would stand on the ramparts. And how has it turned out? They just are up to the old, old tricks declaring the blame of the whole situation we are in, is the fault of others. It is the only thing we will hear this year and the next. There are simply no plans despite weasel words, to address the pressing issues. We might get some new investment from the US when the Chancellor turns up in mini skirts but it will not be enough except to pay for the salary increases. Their salaries, not ours. The rest will come from all those rich pensioners we have here in our Utopia. It is really too preposterous to say all of this but there you go, the roundabout keeps turning.


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