The mantra is 'Build, build, build!

The mantra today, the political mantra that is, appears to be – 'affordable housing'. Sounds good doesn’t it? Well, at least it will sound good for those looking for a home, house or flat, which they can afford. The new Labour government and it was the mouthpiece, the deputy PM who stated unequivocally, ‘We will be building millions of new homes all across the country within three years’. Absolutely bl**ding brilliant. I am applauding. Hey wait, are there any thoughts on this? Has the government researched this properly? Or is it as per the usual government action, a lovely soundbite? Let’s assume they will do what they said they will do. First, the land, where will they be built? Londonistan is full and the land around the city is needed for recreation. They are not going to build on Hampstead Heath. Birmingham and other larger cities similarly, so they will as already indicated compulsory take land. It is not quite clear whether this will include ‘Green Belt’ land but I would not hold my breath. Bearing in mind the quantity of houses mentioned it will almost certainly include such land as it would make building faster and a lot easier. In other words we are still in the process of concreting over the UK.

We might think Wales will be an exception. Well, no, not quite as the same process and the same political party are in situ. Looking at the development areas set aside by the Rhondda borough council says it all. Some are already subject to planning applications. Indeed, work has already started. So, who will occupy these affordable homes and flats? Well, in my area there is actually little need for housing serving the local population. Obviously, there will be young couples looking for a home but they sure are not in the thousands. We are here building homes to facilitate the move of people from the overpopulated eastern parts of the UK. Viz London, Reading in our case. It also means that immigrants will be housed in these areas. That would be OK if they integrate within the local community although it seems most fail.

The other bigger problem is that mis-judgement by the powers that be concerning infrastructure is beginning to tell. For some time now it has been almost impossible to find a dentist able to take on new patients, or to obtain a doctor’s appointment. The few local hospitals are bursting at the seams.

The other problem that will surface is the cost of the whole exercise. A lot of these so-called ‘affordable homes’ are going to be populated by people who are on some type of benefit. So, basically the local council will foot the bill! That money can only come from either increased support from the main government, which bearing the noises coming out of Whitehall, is not certain! Or the money will have to come from the locality through sharp increases of the Council tax! I will leave it to you, dear reader to figure out what is the most likely method! I expect the level of council tax will increase dramatically in the next five years, if not sooner. As they say, ‘Someone will have to pay’! Sadly, the whole responsibility of this calamity lies at the door of No.10 Downing Street. Not just one government or party but all of them. These are the people we have trusted to look after our interests and have miserably failed. Not just once but continually. Until we have a completely new mind-set things will not get better. It will take a new PM who will not be afraid to be unpopular but get things done. Who will not be hiding away to call a cow, a cow. Be they man or woman.


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