Does the Universe care? Does anyone?

A day or so ago, I read an interesting social media message (Quora) that asked – Why is Islam growing in popularity and following and Christianity is dying in western countries?

Well, that is a rather interesting question but basically from western counties views it is due to sharply increased immigration which is continuing. Plus that they tend to have more children within the family. The writer contented it was quite normal to expect that. My answer would be, yes it may be normal to expect that as we have seen it – so why didn’t our various governments see it?

The second thing mentioned was muslims do not readily assimilate. Because it is shown in establishing ghettoes in our larger cities. Some people do not of course but they are the exception I think.

The author also mentioned that in his/her view Christianity is not dying, it is changing. Again I concur and personally find that sad. Younger people do not want or appear to want the dogma, the prayers, the set services. They also tend to not want the political influence religion seems to have.

For me it is absolutely clear as a nation we have miserably failed to take care of our society. We are all guilty. The general population through staying silent, the minority groupings by being absurdly loud and obnoxious, the politicians by completely misunderstanding why they are there. We could argue that the sad happening in Southport is one of the results and maybe it is but the underlying stream is wider than that.

Listening to radio and TV we have the usual politicians like the wide eyed Home Secretary all pontificating about punishing the guilty without having any clue how or even what it was all about. The various clergy basically all saying exactly the same thing ‘keeping society together’ etc etc. Yes, I am not stupid, of course it was a terrible thing but my question is why did a 17 year old think this was a good thing to do? These things all come from a belief that everybody should be peace loving and all are equal. In other words these people believe in Utopia. But a Utopia that fits their particular set of beliefs. In other words, in their world there is no place for any others. Only for those with the same outlook.

Basically humans are no less or more than other animals. We exist on this Earth and all have the same problems. Finding food, shelter and safety. Lacking any of those three or all, means fighting for survival. This is inbred and as nature intended. Or for those with a religious outlook – as God or Allah or Seth or Ra, Buddha and more, intended. Perhaps unfortunately us humans have a rather large capacity to think of outcomes. We have the capability to weigh up our actions. Do we fight or do we succumb? If we succumb could we turn that to our advantage? The wise among us will have learned how to compromise. The stupid eventually die. I know, it’s not nice to say but there is always hope. The last thing someone told me, was ‘The Universe does not care one way or the other’, that’s how insignificant we really are!


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