What IS happening in the UK?

We certainly have been and still are, very busy prosecuting about everybody who walked the streets protesting about something or the other. Also those who have spouted some very unpopular stuff about other people. Yet nothing is done about the source of these problems, the continuing flow of illegals, the non-policing of the web companies or indeed, proper government control. As usual in this country we continue to punish the results, not the causes. It will take some time to get this sorted out. In the meantime those who have received stiff jail sentences will probably not sit out these extraordinary sanctions for the full time. The continuing mantra heard is, ‘it is all the fault of the ‘far right’. Yet another soundbite to put to bed a problem. What is the ‘far-right? Indeed, what is the ‘far-left’? What government people mean to say is these are the more aggressive parts of the political spectrum. Well yes, Labour should know all about it, they have their own, it is called ‘Momentum’.

But the moral question about it all is ‘What IS happening in the UK altogether’? Have we lost our senses? Despite denials and lovely words about ‘The UK is doing well’, I think the opposite is true. We might hold ourselves together on a financial level, meaning we still are able to afford to pay for all the imports, and pay the exorbitant sums to keep people at home doing nothing. But socially we are falling apart. The various strata of our society do not see eye to eye. For instance the way people conduct their existence varies between the age groups. People aged 20-35 live completely different lives from the 60-80 years group. The 36-59 just swinging in between looking with envy upon those that are younger but can no longer carry these rigours without falling asleep midway. Newspapers today are full of articles about how to conduct your sex life indicating if you do not follow the described you’re out of touch and belong to live on Mars. Most young people go on holiday to the Med hot-spots without thinking of the consequences to the environment or indeed to the social existing structure of the places they visit. It seems to be the Western way. That is to say, Western Europeans.

It’s all about money. Just today an article in our national sex paper ‘The Sun’, we read about how many young women now earn their money as Consorts. Meaning to say highly paid prostitutes. I suppose another nail in the coffin of society. What happened to sound hetero marriages?

To go back to the riot problem – I think the brand new government need to sit down and have a damn good look at the social structure we have allowed to be built up. We are all guilty to some extent. Some more guilty than others. In the name of peace we have allowed small pressure groups to prosper. The results are quite obvious today. We have pressure groups like Stonewall, pressure groups from what they call the Far Right, pressure groups like Momentum. And that’s just for starters. Over all of that situation we have the great silent majority. As a result we only hear the excessive demands and our weak governments comply in the name of an easier life. It is time to seriously look at how we want, need to be governed. Step up the Reform Party. But please do not make the same errors .


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