Will someone wake up those in Whitehall?

Carrying on my criticism of politicians, now we have the new Foreign Sec, who believes he is important, putting his bit in on the Middle East problem. A problem between Israel and Lebanon. Not so much the nation of Lebanon but Hezbollah. The not very bright gentleman blurted out that British troops are ‘ready and prepared’ to evacuate British subjects. He obviously has not spoken to the generals or even the Defence Secretary before opening mouth. Our troops, all four of them, will help. It’s not before time, presumably they will have to be helped by our Navy. The Queen Elizabeth carrier will be great, unless it breaks down in Gibraltar first. That should be OK because it has done so 10 times already, and had two refits. It will be supported by a small patrol boat just so when the Houthis throw around some ballistic missiles we have an answer. If only to sound the ships' horn. No? I wouldn’t either, let them sleep. All we do nowadays is ‘urging all sides to find a political solution’. Does anyone in the Foreign Office actually know the root causes of the Middle East crisis, do they know what a political solution is? Does anyone actually care? Do politicians ever consider it is them who cause wars? They don’t fight, oh no, but us sheep have to. I sometimes wonder why we have to bother at all. They probably wouldn't get further than 10 yards before collapsing out of breath, like most of British youth today.

We have enough on our plate in this country to keep us busy for decades. We have to stop thinking that everyone should be like us. They are not. They have a completely different outlook. No doubt brought on by deprivation, hunger, lack of the basic necessities. Most of Africa and also Asia is where people are very dependent on land. When that stops producing food, possibly due to drought or even war or sheer political incompetence, they turn to the richer West. But in good old fashion that comes with a price and at the same time creates a lot of resentment.

One billion or so also have a faith that can be called violent. Violent in the sense that if one is not a follower, you will have to die. Obviously there are billions more people and you cannot possibly kill all non-believers, much better to sow dissension. Exactly what we see today. Just in case you don’t think it is all that bad, listen to a few Polish living in the UK who cannot wait to go back. As the lady said the UK is just falling apart. There is no real wish to get better either. And as I have indicated many times and she seems to agree, politicians have no interest in improvement.

Personally I have no wish to go back to the land I was born in, they have even more problems. But even if it was Utopia over there, I am here and I love Wales. Dw i’n caru Cymru. Maybe we are a bit calmer over here. We have only three cities to worry about and these also are pretty safe. Cardiff though can get a bit hairy at rugby national games.

When we finally will have sorted out what we want and we have the right leadership then perhaps we can put things right. Get the immigration problem sorted, get the NHS working as it should. Perhaps we will have to agree to it no longer being free. Sort out farming and put that on an even keel so we can feed ourselves without massive imports. Treasure our green spaces and control development much better. Finally get our taxation system correct and just. Enough for to get on with? Time to get up then, rise and shine!


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