Why? It's the question , my dear PM.

Who doesn’t love Julia Hartley-Brewer? I think every hot-blooded male under 60 years of age does and quite a few of the over 75s as well. As a commentator par exellence she was spot on in the Sun newspaper today (23rd August) by pointing out basically the conundrum that is immigration. That is, ALL immigration. But to be specific she pointed out the government’s actions or in-actions over this issue. For myself I have long postulated the intransigence of politicians but Julia simply stated ‘Are they lying to us, lying to themselves or do they think we’re all stupid’? Yes, that is exactly what they are about. All politicians, for some reason or other, continually tell us ‘We will stop the boats, we will stop immigration’, blah, blah, blah. But the truth is they do not really want to do it. So, the question is why? What can be gained? Well, cheap labour, mostly unqualified labour so if they find a job it means they’ll get paid in peanuts. Then there is a social plan afoot that most of us do know nothing about. The drive to become the first well-organised multi-cultural society. This is run by the well-established liberal London elite. Julia said quite clearly ‘Each time it has been a DELIBERATE political choice by the elected government of the day, whether it was Labour opening the doors or the Conservatives throwing the doors open even wider’. Indeed, so the question still remains, Why?

The reality today is pretty clear to see what the results have been. This demographic experiment has utterly failed. Immigrants have just landed or flown in, whatever and left to their own fates which has had the unwanted result generally of employers downgrading wage levels and other benefits. Immigrants, legal or not legal, have tended to congregate in specific places which in other times would have been called ghettoes. Viz, Birmingham, Bradford etc. Whilst some have crawled out and found a reasonable life, many have turned to crime. The East European crime syndicates are flourishing nicely, thank you.

I have come from a well-organised society, the Netherlands when education was top-notch. They also now suffer the same as we do here. All thanks to the liberal woke fraternity that have come to power. The last 50 years have seen an enormous social change in the western world. It might have been a follow-up from the destruction of the Second World War and the pressures from the ultra-left eastern European bloc. Or should we just say the Russian Federation known before as the Soviet bloc. I have learned a few things in this life – you cannot walk away from a problem. It needs solving to your benefit and health. The second thing I learned is, before opening mouth put brain in gear. Simply meaning if you have some stupendous idea, try to figure out what the probable results of implementation would be. Do the proper research!

This is why I detest people like Blair, who simply thought it a good idea for the workforce to import or just let them come. All without thinking or even researching possible outcomes. Just keep grinning and telling people what would never be done. Cameron ditto, and frankly every other government just exactly the same. Poor Keir will be no different.

So, thanks Julia, perhaps another article how we should address the problem? And don’t hold back on the expletives either.


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